I Take Pride In The Things I Work For

in #hive-1538502 years ago

Where I come from, and in the environment I have seen myself, being gifted seems to be the normal thing. People get gifts on their birthdays, wedding ceremonies, and lots more. And as a result of this, some people make it seems like people are entitled to them or it's a must to gift them something during these celebrations.
To me It's out of place when someone feels bad or angry about who didn't gift them something on their birthday or their wedding day, it's so out of place. People do the giving as a sign of love, care and some do it to show they are happy with your existence or your new home and beginning, it's not because they are entitled to you or that you did something for them and in return, they are showing the favor back, no! although a few people do it for that reasons too but not everyone.

I grew up in an environment (my home) where you need to work for something to get something. There was no room for laziness and expecting anything tangible. Whatever I needed or wanted was either worked for or given by my parents. I had no friends who could afford most of the things I needed at that time so I was always contented with what my parents gave me or I worked for what I wanted.
I had friends whose uncles, aunties, boyfriends, etc got them most of the things or gifts I had to sweat before getting. They did it with ease as if it was nothing, I didn't envy them in any way to be very honest, I mean I tend to appreciate whatever it is I worked my ass out for than random gifts from people but don't quote me wrong, I appreciate and value the things people give to me as much too.
However, there is so much pride that comes with having or enjoying what you worked hard for. This has always been my belief, I take so much pride and pleasure in things I achieve myself or on my own.


My Little Pride

I call it little because comparing it to the rest of the things I am proud of, this might seems very little or the least to other people out there but well, you can never relate if you haven't been there.

  • I Bought My First Laptop With My Money
    Getting a PC is the last thing I could have thought I would have at my age then. I never would have believed I would earn the money that could give me a phone let alone a PC so when I was told I could buy a London/fairly used PC with the money I earned, I was so happy, I never believed it until my boss called the laptop vendor to come to my workplace to discuss it.

  • Got A New Phone Right After
    Everything seemed to be working well for me, few months after I got the PC, I became even more serious with my work until it fetched me another good amount to buy myself a good phone. I was suffering with an old android phone passed down by my dad. I never had a good phone packaged or gifted to me by anyone. So my dream of finally having a good phone came through with my sweat and hard work. It wasn't gifted by anyone, I worked for it and this I am very proud of.

The things I thought would take a little longer to come or earnestly prayed for a kind person to gift me came earlier than I expected them and it came from my pocket, my work, and my sweat. I couldn't have been more proud than I felt the moment I realized that anything I ever wanted in this life can be gotten if I worked for it.
And I have always been a believer in working for the things I need. There is a different kind of feeling about spending the money you worked for. And forever, I will always be proud of what my little tender hands could do at that age and will continue doing even as I grow older.

If you are reading this, do you mind sharing a few things that you are proud of as a person too? I will be glad to read your mind on this too.
Thank you for dropping by bee mates!


My dear viewers and readers!
Thank you guys for being my source of encouragement here, with all the time you dedicate to my blog with your upvotes and reblog, your comments, and feedback as well.
Your support is my biggest encouragement and I will always be grateful for it

            24 September 2022


Only with effort and dedication can we achieve our goals. Life is not always easy but we have to fight for it and for what we want.

You are right. Nothing is as easy as it may look. And we have to work hard to get whatever it is we want.
Thank you for reading from me

I also grew up in same manner, when you see life treat you that way, it makes you focused on yourself because you have the gift of making it to care for others. Thanks for sharing do have a nice day

I hope it's going well for you now.
Thank you for your input, I appreciate it.
Have a lovely weekend.

I can relate with this feeling @zanoz. I bought my laptop off my personal money as well.

The fulfillment of earning on your own and deciding what and what not to use your funds to do is superb.

A big kudos to you! 👍

The fulfillment of earning on your own and deciding what and what not to use your funds to do is superb

You certainly relate to this. Congratulations on that purchase too.

Thank you for dropping by.

Yeah.. although it's be 4 years now since I did that.

Thanks. And you're welcome as well.

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Keep doing the great job ❤️



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Indeed... Nothing gives fulfilment more than reaping the fruits of your labor. It has a whole differing kind of ring to it.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Thank you for stopping by!

That is very good example of hardworking you portrait, not to envy your neighbors about the great gifts they received from their lovers. It has been always good to work for your own, than waiting for someone to gift you something. You always learn how how to create something which hasn't been fixed.

It was self discipline and contentment that helped me through. And yes I tend to enjoy working for something than getting it free of charge, after all, they say there is no free thing even in freetown lol.
Thanks for dropping by!

The presence of the person alone on my birthday or any of my special days is already considered a gift. The material things are just a bonus

I admire you for working hard just to get what you want and what you need. We are also the same in the aspect where I am not comfortable asking for something from someone. It's either I will work for it or just simply let it slide because I don't have enough budget.

Here's some !PIZZA for your achievements :))

Awwwn. thanks for the pizza although I would have preferred an eatable pizza, real pizza😂💔😋😋

Sadly, most people do not appreciate the mere fact that someone said a word of prayer to them on their birthday or that they were present to celebrate with them. Some are just after the gift, which as you said should just be a bonus and not the main focus.

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my thoughts on this piece.

How I wish I can share and eat some real pizza with you hahaha

Indeed! I forgot to include the prayers as one of the best gift person can have. It's so underrated.

Welcome :))

Lol, it's okay. I appreciate the virtual pizza😃

Yes prayer is one of the best gifts

Wow! Your story is very similar to mine. I recently bought a new phone after working hard for several months, and now I have also saved up enough money to buy a UK-used laptop. I can definitely relate to this, you did well

Wow! From your comment, it does sound very much alike only that yours is UK_used lol.
Don't mind me sha, I am glad someone feels the same way I do.

I appreciate your presence on my post.

I Bought My First Laptop With My Money

It's really a very good achievement, I've also experienced buying something with my hard work and what I bought feels more valuable to me and I always take care of it. Hopefully what you aspire to can come true in the future.

Yes, you are right. We attach so much value to the things we work hard for.
Thanks for reading

You're welcome

Hey there,
I can completely feel the joy you have achieved here. Fulfilling our needs on our own can give a satisfaction that is out of the world. I have my elder brother who fulfilled most of my needs before, but after a time I thought myself capable of bearing my own expenses, and from that day I am fulfilling my own needs, trying to achieve the things I had dreamt for. Just like you, I had a dream for a Gaming Pc and it came true through my own earnings, what's more satisfying than this? Instead of thinking that it was gifted by someone, the satisfaction of telling that it's earned by myself is thousand times more satisfying, isn't it?

Lemme reveal you a secret, my birthday is coming and I got my dream PC just a few days ago, so how is it like that I post this achievement publicly as a gift to myself on my birthday? Isn't it way bigger than any gift anyone could have gifted me? It is, definitely it is. That's what I call SATISFACTION.😇

Oh my my! That's so lovely 🥺
I am still in die need of something which I thought I could gift myself on my birthday this year, but from the looks of things, I might not be able to do that cause I can't afford it except maybe I suddenly win some lottery😂
Or I get all the curators on hive to give me their 100% upvote💔😂

But fingers crossed, if I can't get it this year, I will try again next year.
Congratulations on getting yourself a pre-birthday gift.
And happy birthday in advance, I hope you will save a slice of cake for me lol.

you already achieved two milestones, many more will be in the pipeline just stay dedicated to your work, plans will be getting executed one after another.
Btw thanks a lot.

Yeah, and I am happy and grateful for these milestones. Thank you for your kind words.