Esp/Eng Fun ice cream board, ideal for children between 3-4 years old who are starting to learn addition and subtraction!

in #hive-199420last year



Hola hola, padres y madres, que dia a dia se esfuerzan por una excelencia educativa para sus hijos, bienvenidos a mi block!

Las operaciones básicas matemáticas son útiles en muchas actividades de la vida diaria,como contar objetos, cantidades de comidas, pagar el transporte público; calcular el cambio en el supermercado, preparar alimentos, entre muchos otros; por ello es tan importante el estudio de las mismas, siendo las primeras la suma y la resta que preparan al niño para aprender otros conceptos matemáticos como la multiplicación y división, es necesario buscar estrategias para lograr que los pequeños logren comprender con claridad estas operaciones!

Para ello ha traído una divertida estrategia, que, consiste en un tablero de helados, muy fácil de elaborar, con materiales de provecho, y que le permitirá al niño divertirse mientras aprende; ofreciendo beneficios como:

  • motricidad
    -sumar cantidades pequeñas, como base para sumas mas grandes
    -restar cantidades pequeñas
    -seguir instrucciones

Con esta sencilla y divertida actividad preparamos a nuestros pequeños para la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos, y su aplicación en la vida cotidiana, veamos la elaboración del tablero:


Hello hello, parents, who every day strive for educational excellence for their children, welcome to my block!

The basic mathematical operations are useful in many activities of daily life, such as counting objects, quantities of food, pay for public transport, calculate the change in the supermarket, prepare food, among many others, which is why it is so important to study them, the first being the addition and subtraction that prepare the child to learn other mathematical concepts such as multiplication and division, it is necessary to find strategies to achieve that small achieve clearly understand these operations!

For it has brought a fun strategy, which consists of an ice cream board, very easy to make, with useful materials, and that will allow the child to have fun while learning; offering benefits such as:

  • motor skills
    -adding small amounts as a basis for larger sums.
    -subtracting small amounts
    -following instructions

With this simple and fun activity we prepare our children for the acquisition of new knowledge, and its application in everyday life, let's see the elaboration of the board:



una caja de carton
cartulinas de colores
cinta adhesiva transparente
hilo pabilo
marcadores acrílicos.


a cardboard box
colored cardboard
transparent adhesive tape
thread wick
acrylic markers.



En la caja de cartón se corta un rectángulo de aproximadamente 60cm x 40cm, el cual se decora con cartulina de colores en la parte superior.

En la parte inferior se colocan 3 cuadros blancos, los cuales se forran con cinta adhesiva transparente, que será nuestra pizarra.

Se dibujan 10 barquillas encima de la pizarra, y en cartulinas de colores se recortan los copos de las barquillas, a estos se les pega un trozo de cartón por la parte trasera, y se le hace pasar un trozo de hilo, que luego se fijará al tablero, de manera que puedan subir y bajar!

Así queda listo el tablero!


A rectangle of approximately 60cm x 40cm is cut out of the cardboard box, which is decorated with colored cardboard on top.

In the lower part we place 3 white boxes, which are covered with transparent adhesive tape, which will be our blackboard.

Draw 10 nacelles on top of the board, and cut out the nacelle flakes on colored cardboard, glue a piece of cardboard on the back side, and put a piece of thread through it, which will then be fixed to the board, so that they can go up and down!

This is how the board is ready!








Comenzamos, primero haremos sumas!

Se escriben las cantidades, en esta caso comenzamos con 3 mas 2, el niño debe bajar tres barquillas, luego dos, y, cuenta el total que, son 5, y lo escribe en la pizarra!

Asi, se pueden sumar distintas cantidades que den como resultado maximo el numero 10!

Let's get started, first we will do sums!

We write the amounts, in this case we start with 3 plus 2, the child must put down three baskets, then two, and, count the total, which is 5, and write it on the board!

In this way, you can add different quantities that give as a maximum result the number 10!







Tambien podemos practicar restas, para ello, se escribe en el tablero las cantidades que se van a restar, en esta caso, 8 menos 3, se bajan la cantidad de barquillas que coincidan con el minuendo, y, el niño debe subir el sustraendo, luego contar, y escribir el resultado en la pizarra!

We can also practice subtraction by writing on the board the quantities to be subtracted, in this case, 8 minus 3, lowering the number of nacelles that match the minuend, and the child must raise the subtrahend, then count, and write the result on the board!






Asi, tu pequeño se divertirá, mientras aprende!

Espero haya sido de tu agrado!

Dios te bendiga!

This way, your little one will have fun while learning!

I hope you liked it!

God bless you!


Translated with
      Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas con mi teléfono ZTE.                                                       

   All images are my own, captured with my ZTE phone.

Excellent! In the early stages of learning these mathematical operations children tend to need some element to help them, generally they use their hands, because it is still difficult for them to do the operations in their mind.

This is a very good option so that they can see the operations in a more graphic way and so it is not so complicated for them. Besides, I love recycling.

Greetings my friend!

I agree that in a graphical way it is easier for them, and they fix it faster!

I also love to recycle, I recycle everything at home!


Amiga que divertido, me encanta.
Se ve súper divertido.
Gracias por compartir.

Gracias a ti por pasar amiga!
