Sa 7, 8 godina, brat i ja smo crtali diznijeve junake i lepili na karton da zaradimo. Karton je bio “ram”, ispred kuće je bila “galerija”.
Bili smo ubedjeni da imamo smisla za biznis i da ćemo se obogatiti.
Nismo se obogatili ali i dalje crtamo…
At the age of 7 or 8, my brother and I drew Disney characters and pasted them on cardboard to earn money. Cardboard was the "frame", in front of the house was the "gallery".
We were convinced that we had business sense and that we would get rich.
We didn't get rich, but we still draw...
Akt 2002./ olovka
Act 2002/ pen
Radovi su radjeni uglavnom kombinovanom tehnikom. Akril, vodene boje, olovka, suvi pastel. . .
Sledeći fotografija: “Amazonka”
The works were done mainly with a combined technique. Acrylic, water colors, pencil, dry pastel. . .
Next photo: "Amazon"
Gejša u japanskom jeziku znači umetnica.
Prve Gejše su bili muškarci. Danas su Gejše isključivi ženskog roda. Gejše su bile uobičajena pojava u XVIII i XIX veku. U Japanu položaj žene nije bio povoljan. Bila je zatvorena u kući i nije imala ličnu slobodu.Zavisna od muža, a kao Gejša mogla je da se obrazuje i uči.
Evo moje Gejše. . .
Geisha in Japanese means artist.
The first Geishas were men. Today, Geisha are exclusively female. Geishas were common in the 18th and 19th centuries. In Japan, the position of women was not favorable. She was locked in the house and had no personal freedom. Dependent on her husband, and as a Geisha she could be educated and learn.
Here is my Geisha. . .
“Napuštena devojka”
Portret radjen kafom. Naravno, kafu sam prvo popila ali ostatak je odlično poslužio kao slikarski materijal:
Abandoned Girl"
Portrait made with coffee. Of course, I drank the coffee first, but the rest served perfectly as painting material:
Crtam uglavnom noću kada svi spavaju jer je noć najbolja i najinspirativnija za umetnike. 🌙✨
Nadam se da su vam ovi crteži obojili dan! 🎨💜☀️
I draw mostly at night when everyone is sleeping because the night is the best and most inspiring for artists. 🌙✨
I hope these drawings brightened your day! 🎨💜☀️
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!