Rodzina najważniejsza ❣️ | Sublimacja na gadżetach.

in #hive-134382last year

Jak codziennie w tym miesiącu, coś piszę, staram się, żeby moja pszczoła była coraz większa :) Zastanawiałem się co dzisiaj napisać, już miałem opublikować prosty post "dobranoc HIVE!" i iść spać (bo oczy od 10 godzin przy komputerze "wysiadają"), ale stwierdziłem, że musi być nieco ambitniej. Wziąłem telefon, włączyłem galerię i znalazłem coś ciekawego, zachowały się zdjęcia z urodzinowego prezentu.


Dzieciaki zrobiły odciski dłoni i narysowały serce. Poczekałem, aż farba wyschnie i na drugi dzień zeskanowałem całość. Następnie wykonałem projekt dedykowany na urodzinową okazję. Całość została wydrukowana na drukarce (tusze sublimacyjne) i pod wysoką temperaturą wydruk został przeniesiony na kilka gadżetów (koszulka, smycz, torba, kubek, poduszka). Żeby taki nadruk mógł być wykonany (farba musi się przetransferować z kartki na inną powierzchnię, zmiana stanu skupienia - sublimacja) materiał musi być poliestrowy (dobrze żeby miał ponad 80% poliestru), kubek natomiast jest powleczony specjalną warstwą (coś ala poliester, ale odporne na ścieranie). Tak oto powstał mini zestaw upominkowy na 40 urodziny.
Żona solenizanta stwierdziła pytająco "co to za reklamy?", ale chyba się podobało bo do dzisiaj używają tych reklam promujących rodzinę! 😊

Like every day, I write something, I try to make my bee bigger and bigger :) I was wondering what to write today, I was about to publish a simple post "good night HIVE!" and go to sleep (because the eyes from 10 hours at the computer "go out"), but I decided that it must be a bit more ambitious. I took my phone, turned on the gallery and found something interesting, photos from a birthday present have survived.
The kids made handprints and drew a heart. I waited for the paint to dry and scanned the whole thing the next day. Then I made a project dedicated to a birthday occasion. The whole was printed on a printer (sublimation inks) and under high temperature the print was transferred to several gadgets (t-shirt, leash, bag, mug, pillow). In order for such a print to be made (the paint must transfer from the card to another surface, the change of state of aggregation - sublimation), the material must be polyester (preferably more than 80% polyester), while the mug is coated with a special layer (something akin to polyester, but resistant to abrasion). This is how a mini gift set for the 40th birthday was created.
The birthday boy's wife asked "what are these ads?", but I think they liked it because they still use these ads to promote the family! 😊





All photo and print project by @szejq

Well done @szejq! You successfully guessed the match result and unlocked your badge!
Click on the badge to view your board.

Thank you to our sponsors. Please consider supporting them.

@actifit @arcange @poshtoken @wrestorgonline

Check out our last posts:

Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 12
Be ready for the August edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 10

Congratulations @szejq! You received a personal badge!

You raised your Hive Power every day of the month! Enjoy better curation reward and more to say in governance.
Participate in the next Power Up month to get another one!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 12
Be ready for the August edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 10

Congratulations @szejq! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day!
Wait until the end of Power Up Day to find out the size of your Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - July 2023 Winners List
Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 12
Be ready for the August edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Well done @szejq! You successfully guessed the match result and unlocked your badge!
Click on the badge to view your board.

Thank you to our sponsors. Please consider supporting them.

@actifit @arcange @poshtoken @wrestorgonline

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - July 2023 Winners List
Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 12
Be ready for the August edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Well done @szejq! You successfully guessed the match result and unlocked your badge!
Click on the badge to view your board.

Thank you to our sponsors. Please consider supporting them.

@actifit @arcange @poshtoken @wrestorgonline

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - July 2023 Winners List
Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 12
Be ready for the August edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Well done @szejq! You successfully guessed the match result and unlocked your badge!
Click on the badge to view your board.

Thank you to our sponsors. Please consider supporting them.

@actifit @arcange @poshtoken @wrestorgonline

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - July 2023 Winners List
Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 12
Be ready for the August edition of the Hive Power Up Month!

Congratulations @szejq! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 1 badge.
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 13
Hive Power Up Month Challenge - July 2023 Winners List
Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 12

@szejq, thank you for supporting the HiveBuzz project by voting for our witness.

Here Is a small present to show our gratitude
Click on the badge to view your board.

Once again, thanks for your support!

Check out our last posts:

Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 13
Hive Power Up Month Challenge - July 2023 Winners List
Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 12
Well done @szejq! You successfully guessed the match result and unlocked your badge!
Click on the badge to view your board.

Thank you to our sponsors. Please consider supporting them.

@actifit @arcange @poshtoken @wrestorgonline

Check out our last posts:

Feedback from the August Hive Power Up Day
Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 13
Hive Power Up Month Challenge - July 2023 Winners List