Harvesting rabbits, hunting potatoes and massaging nettles, all in my garden

in #hive-1406353 years ago

Once again we have arrived in the depths of summer. There are many delicious things to harvest in the garden. Sometimes you have to hunt them down for a taste experience.

Una vez más hemos llegado a lo más profundo del verano. Hay muchas cosas deliciosas para cosechar en el jardín. A veces hay que cazarlos para probarlos.


These rabbits hopped into my garden one day, unannounced and without a mask. My first reaction was: Where is my camera! I was just about to take a picture when the thought occurred to me: Someone is missing their bunnies!

Estos conejos saltaron un día a mi jardín sin avisar y sin protector bucal. Mi primera reacción fue: ¿Dónde está mi cámara? Estaba a punto de hacer unas fotos cuando se me ocurrió: ¡Alguien echa de menos a sus conejitos!



At first I only saw two rabbits, but then I saw 3. We have new neighbours and from my windows you can see small cages behind their garage, so it was pretty clear where my next step would take me. I produced startled faces when I knocked on their front door to report the problem. Without wasting any time, mum, followed by 2 kids and a little late dad ran to catch the runaways.

Al principio sólo vi dos conejos, pero luego vi tres. Tenemos nuevos vecinos, y desde mis ventanas se pueden ver pequeñas jaulas detrás de su garaje, así que estaba bastante claro a dónde me llevaría mi próximo paso. Caras de asombro cuando llamé a su puerta. Sin perder tiempo, la mamá, seguida por dos niños y un papá un poco retrasado corrieron a atrapar a los fugitivos.


Catching the rabbits went very quickly. They are pets after all and not wild rabbits. It was probably the first time they were able to run around freely without fences and walls. Now they are back at home.

La captura fue muy rápida después de todo. Al fin y al cabo son mascotas y no conejos salvajes. Probablemente era la primera vez que podían correr libremente sin vallas ni muros. Ahora están de vuelta en casa.

Just over a week ago we experienced one of several storms this year. Among other things, parts of the garden path were flooded with mud and of course the beansticks fell to the ground.

Hace una buena semana experimentamos una de las varias tormentas de este año. Entre otras cosas, algunas partes del camino del jardín se inundaron de barro y, por supuesto, los palos de las judías se cayeron.


It is also time to look for potatoes in the garden again.

También es el momento de buscar patatas en los montículos.



Maybe not a huge harvest but still very good. it's also fun to look for the balls in the soil and sort them. It's even more fun to eat them ;)

Tal vez no sea una gran cosecha, pero sigue siendo muy buena. También es divertido buscar y clasificar las bolas en el suelo. Es aún más divertido comerlos ;)



A potato beetle has attacked my potatoes in the meantime. I only took out half a row of potatoes, then the burning sun got too hot. In the evening it went on.

Mientras tanto, un escarabajo de la patata ha atacado mis patatas. Sólo saqué media fila de patatas, luego el sol ardiente se puso demasiado caliente. Por la tarde continuó.

A constant companion throughout the garden year is the stinging nettle manure. Several times a year I use it to make all the people who come near it grimace.

El abono líquido de ortiga es un acompañante constante durante todo el año en el jardín. Varias veces al año lo uso para hacer que todas las personas que se acercan a él hagan una mueca.




After a few days, the fermented stinging nettles will be nice and fragrant. After 3 weeks, the mixture of nettles, rainwater and a handful of soil and humus is ready. I water everywhere where I want to fertilise a little or keep the snails away. They don't like the mixture at all.

Al cabo de unos días, las ortigas fermentadas tendrán un olor agradable y agrio. Después de 3 semanas, la mezcla de ortigas, agua de lluvia y un puñado de tierra y humus está lista. Riego en todos los lugares donde quiero abonar un poco o mantener alejadas a las caracoles. No les gusta nada la mezcla.

Then we have reached the end again today. Thank you to everyone who has read this far. If you would like to have a potato, please write your order in the comments. I was already allowed to eat them and they are...

Así que nuevamente hemos llegado al final. Gracias a todos los que han leído hasta aquí. Si quieres tener una patata, escribe tu pedido en los comentarios. Ya se me permitió comerlos y son...



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That is a nice harvest of potatoes from that small area.
I can just imagine how "fragrant" the nettle "tea" is when you make it...

It is fragrant haha
Thanks for stopping by

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Nice potatoes! 😎 I also harvest them a few days ago.

Every potato harvested from your own garden tastes twice as good as from the supermarket.

You're right. I made a post about that. Take a look!

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Fresh food is very good and I'm happy to see it 😋👌👌👌🍷

Definitely the food is really good and I'm glad to see it👍👍👍

Wow I really love your garden, and making so big harvest of the potatoes, from that small area is really nice! You must be good at it.

I had a little laugh about the rabbits. It's nice to get a few furry visitors 😍

Haha, the furry visitors were fun, I wouldn't mind if the come sometimes, but I don't think so.
This year was particularly unchallenging for me. Enough rain, no potato beetle or other imponderables.

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I got the same potatoe container :o) and I harvested potatoes as well, but we had a rainy summer in Germany, so many plants had brown rot. Yours look very healthy.

No problems with the potatoes, but tomatoes had brown rot at the end, even though I treated them with baking powder.

Same here, even though I had them in the polytunnel, but it was too humid overall :(.
Now and then, you have these years. The last years were great in Germany.

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