Zara's uniform pushed me || Step by step

in #hive-127911last year

Zara pushed me.

A tiring Thursday (sigh down deep). Yesterday I just desire to lay down on my bed and just sleep. I have been working during the week, I am exhausted and my body does not want to get up from the bed, who can relate?

I feel like the clock should tick slower today, I am not just in the mood to work. Can’t I just sleep? I asked myself, let me just sleep, I am tired today, after all, I am not a robot.

Laying back on the bed, my mind kept wandering around clients' clothes, there was no emergency then I became happy my day was made.

Just then, I remembered Zara. Zara is a little girl a friend of mine brought to my office to make a uniform for her.

My friend briefed me on Zara's story of how she lost her father who was the breadwinner of the family and since then the children he left behind have been struggling to survive. I was also young when I lost my Father and I can relate to how hard it could have been for Zara.

Then I remember how happy she was when the uniform was given to me to make for her. My mind skipped, I jumped up from the bed because I didn't want to disappoint Zara which meant I could hinder her not to be in school on Monday.

No, I exclaimed! I forced myself into the bathroom, had my bath, no makeup today, only cream my body I said, wore a comfortable dress, and headed to the office.

In the office, I prayed, after praying, I brought out the uniform and got to business. I said to myself, Zara has pushed me today and I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.

Follow me as I explain in detail how I made Zara's uniform.

Materials needed are;

The uniform fabric, the brown colour is one and a half trouser length.

The milk colour is one trouser length.

I input her correct skirt measurements on the colour brown and I also remember she told me she did like hijab which was why one and a half of the trousers length was purchased, attached to the skirt is a band.

After cutting out the skirt, the pocket was added, as a student you need it to keep the money. If it was possible, I would have added lots of pockets in my uniform as a child because I am a lover of pockets. Also, I measured her hijab and cut it out as well.

Then the shirt, the shirt has a little opening at the back and a button for closure for her to be able to wear it through the neck. The neck also has a baby collar on it and a stitch-together tie.

After cutting the departments of the uniform I moved to sewing them together.

During the process of sewing a client came to the office, she needed a dress we negotiated and she paid. What came to my mind was would you have had this client if you were at home?

The only part remaining was the baby collar, I didn't cut it down because I had to use the measurement of the neck of the shirt to cut it after I had joined the shoulder.

I took my time to make the uniform since that was the push for me today. At this point, I was almost through remaining to give it a final press.

I gave my friend a call to tell her to come fit the uniform for accuracy, dropping my phone another client worked in, she purchased a two-piece dress from my ready-to-wear collection. Today is good I shouted!

I neatly packaged her dress after a good press, and she was done with fitting. I treat my clients like King's whether a child or an adult.

In the end, I was happy I didn't stay at home and I am also happy telling how you how my day went.

Fashion is creativity and fun always remember that you just have to keep going, after all, if you stop what will you achieve?

Till I write to you again, love you all🥰


nice uniform for zara!

Hey! Kainene, that's warming to the heart. Thanks

You did a good job making Zara's uniform, it came out really nice.

Thanks Ami, I'm glad you love it.

It's a pleasure.

This is so beautiful Seun, you did justice to the uniform, the fitting is perfect.

Thanks Dee, I'm glad you love it. such a great honor having you here

This is fantastic. I like the way you take us through step by step illustration of your sewing.

Thanks a million, dearie. It's fun executing that

You are welcome.

Zara'e uniform did push you, and you delivered 👏

wow the uniforms in your country are beautiful, I congratulate you on making this one 😊