[eng-esp] días fríos - cold days

in #hive-1743018 months ago


En colombia habiamos tenido una navidad y principio de año bastante calientes, las temperaturas llegaron a los 32 grados, y sé que no es mucho comparado con otros países donde sube a mas de 40, pero aquí nunca llegó a ese número, por lo tanto no estabamos acostumbrados a esta temperatura por lo que muchos sufrieron golpes de calor, incluyendo animales y mascotas.
Pero hace unos días la temperatura ha bajado y hemos visto tan anhelada lluvia. y yo, me declaro culpable por sentirme feliz en medio de la lluvia y el clima frío

In Colombia we had had a very hot Christmas and the beginning of the year, the temperatures reached 32 degrees, and I know that is not much compared to other countries where it rises to more than 40, but here it never reached that number, therefore it is not We were used to this temperature so many suffered heat stroke, including animals and pets.
But a few days ago the temperature dropped and we saw so much rain. And I plead guilty for feeling happy in the middle of the rain and the cold weather.







Very beautiful drawing. She looks so comfy and cosy.

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!
