Zero budget electroculture: getting started with spirals, Lakhovsky coils & more 💡

in #hive-1406352 years ago


Following on from my last post in which I outlined the various different techniques available for passive electroculture (a system of feeding natural electricity into your land for the purposes of boosting your soil, speeding up growth of plants, increasing size of yields, eliminating pests & disease and improving the nutrient quantity of your food) I would like now to show you how one can get started right away without spending any money.

Well, to be fair you will need a pair of pin-nose pliers and a roll of 1.5mm copper electrical cable (or thicker), which you may or may not have hanging around the house already.

For my free energy demonstration two weeks ago I bought the 25m roll of electrical cable you can see in the middle here for around €8, so was good to go already.


You will find, as you move forward into this arena, that copper is a most valuable tool and should be collected at every opportunity.

Let's now look at three different techniques you can use right away.


Inspired by the research of Pierre Luigi Ighina spirals are designed to direct atmospheric energy towards the base of the cone.


They are placed in the earth like this and will affect just the area beneath them.

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If you have a tree with disease or undesirable fungus on its branches the spiral is placed the other way around, shooting its energy upward from the earth.

You can buy this spiral (which is just under 30cm in total) from here for €6.00.

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I am not affiliated with this company in any way. This just seems to be the cheapest place to get hold of them if you are keen to get this done the simple way.

They only affect a small area of the earth however so one is going to need a whole bunch of them ultimately and buying them pre-made is far from the cheapest way.

The influence of one spiral is evident right away in this shot of peas plants growing in tubs.

If you are looking for a simple way to mass produce these spirals (which can be made out of any metal but copper is best) you may consider buying a mould. Four size options available here, ranging from €27.00 - €69.00

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This seems like a lot of money to me and I will personally be downloading this STL file, for 3D printing

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I don't have a 3D printer but I know a man who does! This and the Primer Cube are now on my list.

In the meantime I am keen to get started right away, so let's get back to that copper electrical cable.


For the best effect I recommend removing the plastic from around your copper. This isn't easy without the right tool but you will get the hang of it with a pair of scissors quick enough. Just be gentle. Copper is soft, but not as soft as plastic.

You will need your pin-nose pliers to get started rolling the wire into a circle.


With the wire pressed hard against the table you should be able to twist it slowly round with your hand (pliers not needed for this bit).


The key is to keep that pressure applied while you roll it against the outer edge of the circle and the final result should look something like this.


Lastly, hold on to the end with your pliers hold and gently pull it outward.


You may need to bend it around a bit but if you've been careful it should be a pretty decent spiral.


I tried another on this funnel.


Not too great in the end but I think it will still have an effect.


Tornados create a powerful vortex even when they are not perfectly straight.


And so, without further ado, these spirals were placed directly in my courtyard herb garden.


We have a metal fruit bowl in our kitchen so I also made one for this.


No idea what effect it will have, but this is the most exciting thing about electrocluture, which is basically still in its infancy, none of us know how far this can take us, so everything is worth investigating!

I think at the end of the day one has to be intuitive & inventive about the way they approach this and it is always better to make our own equipment (injecting love & intention into it) rather than buying something off a factory line which usually has a profit-based intention behind it.

Have a look around your house and see what you find in a cone shape. Then clear your schedule and get creative!

If you can replicate these dimensions, even better.
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If you can't, who cares? Just do it anyway.

You will know in a few months if it is working.

(Which it will be!)

Lakhovsky coil

The Lakhovsky coil is better known in its bracelet form, created by Georges Lakhovsky over 100 years ago.

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But let's not get side-tracked with human health in this post and focus on plant health exclusively.

The copper coil is placed around trees, bushes or whatever plant you want, as long as the coil fits. It is particularly useful for sick trees or plants you want to give a special boost.

It is important that the two ends of the coil be close but not touching. And the orientation needs to be north/south with the open side facing north.


For best effect it is placed at a slight angle of 20° to 30°, seen here.


You may also notice in the above shot how they have their ends overlapping, attached to the same piece of wood. I understand this is okay, but my personal feeling is that the ends should left more open, supported with three pieces of wood, rather than two.

I looked around my house today for old electrical cables (hoping to replicate the Lakhovsky coil in the image here) and was a little dismayed when I found none!


USB drive cables (which I have a ton of) are too small and don't contain copper. However, a quick walk down to my local recycling dump and I found an old vacuum cleaner which was perfect. I removed the power cable and now we are good to go.


Inside cables like this (which plug directly into your electricity supply) you should find a minimum of two decent copper cables once you strip back the black plastic.


Cut ten cables to desired size and strip the plastic off the ends. No particular reason why I used ten. Just felt about right in my hand.


Twist the ends together like this.


Finally you will need your 1.5mm (or thicker) copper wire again to create some stability in your coil.


Try to make the ends like this, with a concentration of copper.


And that's it. One Lakhovsky coil, compliments of a broken hoover.


Even better, a single hoover power cable is big enough to make two Lakhovsky coils.

This coil is for a well developed cherry tree which doesn't produce much fruit but you could also make coils for smaller plants in simpler ways.

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So what are you waiting for?

Random metal in your garden

I have watched many people trying many different techniques on Youtube in these last few weeks but the idea which struck me as being most interesting was presented by this lady who turned her children's large unused trampoline up-side-down, burying a little part of it and planting melons around the inner side of the circle.

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The result she says was double the amount of melons to the previous year (with same number of plants in the same location).

And so, what we learn from this is that any metal will have an effect. Particularly I would say, metal which happens to be in a shape which channels energy. Her trampoline just happened to be a hexagon.

Looking around my house today I was able to find this old candle stick holder which also retains the divine ratios of a hexagon.


I will bury the end bits and have a plant growing up the middle.


And a few months from now I will post clear images of the results, being sure to also have a control group for comparison.

I also had a look today in my dusty old garden shed (am assuming we all have one of these?) to see what I could find.


That galvanised steel cable will be useful when I have magnets. Once aligned with north/south magnetism (magnets placed on south end of cable) I will be able to enhance the growth of all plants within a meter of the cable.

If your magnets (which can be bought here) are surrounded by a Lakhovsky coil they will be even more effective. As demonstrated in this video (exactly half way through) by our modern day pioneer of electroculture, Yannick Van Doorne.

This got me thinking about a design of greenhouse which incorporates a large (structural) Lakhovsky coil with magnetic wires underground.

Here you can see some thoughts on this concept, designed by Esteban (7 years old) & myself.


Needless to say, both my children understand the concept of free energy and electroculture already, so I fully expect them to take this idea further than I can possibly imagine.


Also in my garden shed I found this random bit of metal, which I plugged directly into the ground around a baby pea plant.


Unlike the hexagon candlestick holder this metal is in the shape of a square, but whatever right?

Let's just see what happens...


In Conclusion

Yannick Van Doorne mentions in this amazing lecture how he was asked to examine a field of sick fruit trees many years ago when he noticed there was one tree in the field which appeared unaffected by the disease troubling the rest. But what was the reason for this one tree surviving when all the others could not?

The only difference he could see was a single snail shell at the base of the tree, positioned with its cone facing the ground.


You may laugh and call this coincidence but like Yannick, I can see divine truth in this simple story. The snail shell develops utilising the mathematics of a fibonacci spiral and therefore channels atmospheric energy, just like our metal spirals.

What this tells us is that even the smallest amount of influence, by chance or otherwise, will make a huge amount of difference to the land beneath.

And so, one could even start out by collecting snail shells, placing them all over their land! This will cost nothing, yet still make a difference.

Even the way in which I have built my natural 'greenhouses' (yet to be wrapped in cling-film) seems to be attracting something positive. Perhaps it's just my imagination but the plants under these hazelnut wood arches seem somehow healthier than anywhere else in the garden and I am wondering now if we don't even need metal? Perhaps just the sacred geometry alone (mapped out in wooden constructions) will do enough to make a difference?


As I said before, the great thing about electroculture is that it is still so young and the world is your oyster when you are ahead of the crowd.

With this in mind I have been looking for the last few days at images of fractal nature patterns.

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Perhaps, like the great architects of old (Gaudi comes to mind in this moment) I will be able to see clearly now the divine connection between nature and man-made so that I may unlock this most important door to energetic constructions which offer more than shelter alone.

I leave you with this time-lapse/hyper-lapse film of mine, created ten years ago when I was living in Spain and examining the wonderful organic constructions of Gaudi's nature-inspired park in Barcelona.

Love & Light everyone 🌱


My Post Copy-2.png
Your post has been chosen by @ligayagardener for the next edition of 'The Garden Shed', a collection of archived posts by @gardenhive that feature useful gardening advice, DIY tips, homesteading tips and inspiring gardens.

Greetings @samstonehill ! I love your copper spirals!
Not the first time i hear that copper benefits Mother Earth.
There are also garden tools for diggin' the earth made out of copper.
Would be perfect for your garden, Sam!
Concerning the you also work with the Torus spirals?
I started singing the Kototama Chant (Aikido) which symbolizes the
universal Torus by singing & body/arm movement...
Do you know this, Sam?😀

Hey Luca! Hadn't heard of copper tools (must be expensive?) but I did describe in my previous post a very cheap system for energising your standard garden tools by attaching a little piece of copper, with some zinc running through it. In truth I don't seem to use garden tools much! Mostly just use my hands, but even these I imagine are injecting an energy of some kind ;)

do you also work with the Torus spirals?

I don't but certainly this would work. Bit harder to make I would think.

Hadn't heard of the Kototama Chant but that sounds very interesting. Will look it up now. Am curious to know what those body/arm movements look like.

Thanks for the lead brother!

Hi Sam! Hadn't heard of copper tools (must be expensive?)
I didn't reach my own new garden yet, so i didn't buy new tools.It's something in the copper that mineralizes Mummy Earth compared to stainless steel e.g.
Your hands in Mother Earth is always a win-win😉.
Yes, check out the Kototama Chant!
Blessed sunday🙂

Holy shit. This is quite possibly the most interesting article I've read in a while..

You're right about that.. I'm going to be firing up the 3D printer after seeing this...

Legend! I hoped someone might say that :)

Hehee guys, you both rock! :) glad to see you here!


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Nice! Didn't know we had virtual joints on hive! Let me have a puff on that ;)

For you and me both my friend. My mind is on fire with ideas!

I am looking now to buy some land (off the beaten track a bit) where I can test out some of these more visual techniques like the antenna described in the previous post.

Have fun!


Hey cuddlekitten!

Feeling electric today 💡


Fascinating! I have a lot of cable left over from various constructions...

Perfect! I bet so many of us can say this.

Just for your reference I have added one image to this post (in the Lakhovsky coin chapter) in order to demonstrate how some people are using cables to make really basic coils. Apparently these still work so worth checking out. The coil I made in this post if for a bigger tree, so needed to have more copper.

Have fun!


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The tornado example was quite right! ;)
I do put snail shells into my cacti pots :)
It definitely helps energy currents to get grounded better into the garden...especially, when conductive metal is used (this is proving your previous post further like you said too!)

Golden ratio explains maybe Zen gardening :)
Feng Shui is probably our relation to this...

I do put snail shells into my cacti pots :)

Amazing! You're well ahead of the game. I collected 30 snail shells yesterday and distributed them around the garden. Turns out there are plenty of empty shells in the winter. Which is perfect!

Golden ratio explains maybe Zen gardening :)

Excellent observation. Hadn't thought of this but I am considering now a total re-design of my garden. No more square beds! Harmonic patterns only.

Fun times ahead...


Knowledge is not same as Wisdom.
Wisdom is doing it (with a broken hoover! ;)

I'm always so excited by the endless possibilities these children have such a huge headstart against the rest of the World!!!!

Oh man you said you'd share and share you did - great job Sam, so inspiring! Need me some copper.... valuable stuff in more than one way hey! Be great to see what your results are after a few years. Love that Barcelona time lapse at the en d -- beautiful with the hang drums too.

My goal is to have observable results (with a control group) in less than a month. I wanna get people really inspired before the European spring returns. 2023 is going to be the year of the electrified vegetable!

Pleased you watched that old film of mine. It is always interesting to me how new knowledge transforms old observations. When I watch it now I see things I couldn't see before.

I still have a ton of time-lapse shots made from around France but I appear to have lost the motivation to put it all together in a finished film. Too many other way more exciting things going on these days!

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Dear @samstonehill,
Your support for the current HiveBuzz proposal (#199) is much appreciated but the proposal will expire soon!
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Thanks for sharing your extensive experience Sam! You are making rapid progress!

As always it is my pleasure to share what I have with others :)

And giant vegetables are just around the corner now...

Really awesome info...

Thanks @davedickeyall for cross posting this.


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Pleased you found it useful. I would be interested to see if you put any of these ideas into action!

Thanks for the youarealive token ;)

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a system of feeding natural electricity into your land for the purposes of boosting your soil, speeding up growth of plants, increasing size of yields, eliminating pests & disease and improving the nutrient quantity of your food

Wow. I have not heard about this concept so far. Is it possible to use this technique for other purposes? For example to charge small (or bigger) batteries. Or simply to power low power devices. For example calculators.

Perhaps you missed this post in which I show how to produce over 5v from a collection of metal and soil on my kitchen table. This 5v was used to power a Peppa Pig nightlight. Just for one moment! But it worked. So yes, you can use this electricity directly for man made machines. Or you can charge a battery with it and use the electricity later. If you charge a 12v car battery and buy an inverter (DC to AC), you can then power the larger items in your house, like your TV, fridge & computer.

But with all of this said, I will personally be using the electricity to feed my plants :)

Perhaps you missed this post in which I show how to produce over 5v from a collection of metal and soil on my kitchen table.

Actually I have not missed it. I even commented under it six days ago, and you replied to it. At first I have not thought that these two are actually the same technique.

Ah yes! So sorry. Of course you did. I get confused sometimes.

And I understand your question now. It's a good one in fact and I don't have an answer. What I can tell you is that I've not been able to measure any kind of voltage from the spirals or coils. Perhaps they need to be bigger for this? Or perhaps this kind of energy is not measurable with this kind of meter?

Will let you know if I discover more on this.

I have some copper wire, I should make some spirals and put them over my sprouts! Electrocluture, what an amazing concept. There's so much left to discover about the nature of this realm.

There's so much left to discover about the nature of this realm

You're not wrong about that my friend. Now it is our duty to impart this wisdom and the understanding there is SO MUCH MORE to our little ones...

I particularly love how this subject ties in with the divine language of mathematics through which God always speaks to us clearly.

Have fun with your copper wire!

This information is gold!
As someone who grows plants and also 3D prints, I think I've found something really awesome by stumbling onto your post and am very thankful for this information!

I'm going to reblog this so others will see, and also so I can refer to it as a resource in the future.
When I try this out can I tag you in the post to give credit for you helping me discover this electroculture method?

Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together for us!

Am super excited for you having a printer already! Please let me know how it comes out.

I really believe electroculture has the capacity to completely change a person's life if they get into it for a few years. Are you ready to double the size of your plants?

You may also consider checking out the post I made before this one too, as it will introduce you to a bunch of other electroculture techniques, some of which may work better for you than the three ideas described in this post.

And yes yes yes, please do tag me. If this doesn't seem to get my attention please drop a message under my latest post, whatever that happens to be.

Best of luck my friend. I think you're gonna have a lot of fun.

Thank you for sharing this post on HIVE!

Your content got selected by our fellow curator stevenson7 & you just received a little thank you upvote from us for your great work! Your post will be featured in one of our recurring compilations which are aiming to offer you a stage to widen your audience within the DIY scene of Hive. Stay creative & HIVE ON!

Please vote for our hive witness <3

Appreciated :)

Well done brother! Great work.
I follow your last couple of posts and im really amazed with your work, straight into the action, sweet and that is the attitude we all should have, transfer the knowledge into action....
Sometime ago my wife got Lakhovsky coil bracelet with some magnets in it and ohh boy i can see a lot of difference in creates a balance in your body, improve oxygen in your blood etc, so it does work for sure, you can have a simple test just by holding it, its a balance test(cant find any instructions for it right now) but it shows improved body balance when holding the bracelet.

You got me inspired, ive a lot of old copper wires in the house which im going to try and make some spirals. Its winter now here where i am and we just got a first snow this year but ive a lot of house plants and im going to try them on them, im interested to see the difference.....

Ive researched a bit free energy and related stuff, im sure we already had it here on earth but that knowledge is hidden for us, its nothing new but just simply hidden as who would get connected to the grid if there is free energy around:)
but ive never got to try it, so yea you are another reason i will try to make something, im thinking to have a big box with those small coper units you made in another post and i have charge controler for solar panel( simply cheap one) and batter of course, so why not try to conect it to it and see if it charges the battery....whoohoo thats my winter project now.....

Thanks for all your effort and hard work.
Peace and Love!
In Lak'ech!

Great to interact with you here! And my gratitude for your lovely message.

Something @sebcam and I used to say back in our London days "knowledge is knowing it, wisdom is doing it."

But unlike back then I am blessed now to be living the kind of life which permits me the time to build earth batteries & electroculture spirals! More importantly however my life here in France facilitates a free flow of energy and thoughts which always seem to lead me somewhere amazing. Thank goodness I have this place to share what I have learned without fear of censorship!

Super interesting to hear about your wife's experience with the Lakhovsky coil. Am curious to know exactly where you placed the magnets and how you attached them?

For your upcoming free energy/battery project I recommend you check out this document and instead of using a box, see if you can dig the unit into the ground. I realise you have snow now so that may be tricky, but the bottom line is that you will get a higher output when it is in the ground. Particularly if you align the cells with north/south.

I am still waiting for red lacquer paint to arrive before I can complete experiment number 1 in that document. But as they point out, this is only for learning purposes and if you want more amperage (which generally speaking we do need) you should focus on experiment number 3. Or, if you still need more power, you can make a capacitor! I am building up to that, stage by stage, taking it slow so that I may learn as much as I can on this journey.

Do please let me know (by dropping a message under my latest post, whatever that may be) when you have charged that battery! Would love to see. You will probably reach this point before me because I have fallen for Electroculture in a big way and my focus will be on this for the next few months, gearing up for the spring. I have two pieces of land here, but I may even look for a third specifically for this...

All the best to you my friend.

Had to look up the definition of In Lak'ech and I love it!

Indeed, we are ONE :)

Thank you for a lovely reply, i really appreciate it, and will look into the doc you sent....if you have any other pdfs like that please let me know, i like to keep the stuff like that offline....just in case you know:)
I will have some spare time during Christmas period so will put my hands on them and couple of other things..they are so interesting, i will defo let you know how it you think that temperature has any effect on that? cos if doesnt that would be great...
In relation to my wife bracelet - its a molded solid piece of copper with magnets fit in(in believe there is some glue in there) there is also some mineral - lost leaflet for it so cant tell you - but in general magnets and that mineral should produce negative ions which are very beneficial for wife is away for the moment so cant give you any photos but if you search for magnetic copper bracelet you will get an idea how it is done - they are not big, dont thing size matter that much, i think its more about the magnetic field they produce and influence your blood stream...

One other observation - i planted couple of pampas grass in our garden, all at the same time grown from seed, my wife put a sort of support structure that looks like the one you showed in your photos the square one - whn i think about it now it starting make sense - the grass in that structure is already in flower and much bigger than other ones.....never thought it might be because of the structure but hey we learn something new everyday.....

So thanks again and indeed In Lak'ech brother!
