Excellent stuff indeed!
Though it doesn't much surprise me to be honest as it feels a lot like you and I are walking a similar path right now. And that's not to say that the rest of us are on a different path. We just appear to be on a similar wrung of the ladder ;)
Did you watch Yannick's video above? Pretty amazing what he is up to with his new device. This must surely be my next project, if I can get some more info from him...
Would like to have attended your local lecture. Looks amazing! Never see things like that around here. And in English too?
For now I must rely on my intuition while sitting at this computer, but I feel pretty happy about what I need to buy/manifest during the coming weeks. And, as DeMeo mentioned, I am clear on the why & how.
Looking forward to the UFOs, which by the way, I have already photographed in this region. Here are three flying in formation over the hills, shot shortly before Esteban's birth.
Perhaps they like springtime and I should keep my eyes peeled when the blossoms start in a month?