in #hive-1787082 years ago





Hello HIVE 🖖🏼😁 I hope everyone is doing well enjoying the good vibes 😌
Hola HIVE 🖖🏼😁 espero todos se encuentren muy bien disfrutando de las buenas vibras 😌

Here we continue advancing with this project called THE OFFICE of @guarenasflow, in this post I tell a little about what we have already done, today I come to share the great advances that we made this week in the remodeling of this space that we are going to activate with artistic and cultural activities. The last time we stopped the work before setting up the sale, since some adjustments needed to be solved, so this week I arrived with the intention of continuing where we left off 💪🏼; we reinforced the base of the wall that we made so that it can support the weight of the window, then we touched up some adjustments in the window frame.
Por aquí seguimos avanzando con este proyecto llamado LA OFICINA de @guarenasflow, en este post cuento un poco lo que ya hemos realizado, hoy vengo a compartir los grandes avances que realizamos esta semana en la remodelación de este espacio que vamos a activar con actividades artísticas y culturales. La última vez paramos la obra antes de montar la venta, ya que faltaba solucionar algunos ajustes, así que esta semana llegue con intención de continuar donde nos habíamos quedado 💪🏼; reforzamos la base de la pared que hicimos para que pueda soportar el peso de la ventana, luego retocamos algunos ajustes en el marco de la ventana.






We managed to assemble the window without any setbacks, we strongly fixed the frame to the aluminum structure that we used as columns to create the dry wall walls; The good thing is that we have tools to work with and the ones we don't have there in space, some member of the team has at home 😁.
Logramos montar la ventana sin ningún contratiempo, fijamos fuertemente el marco a la estructura de aluminio que usamos como columnas para crear las paredes de dry wall; lo bueno es que contamos con herramientas para trabajar y las que no tenemos allí en el espacio, la tiene algún miembro del equipo en su casa 😁.











That building in which we are working to recover one of the floors, in the past the government assigned several of the floors for people who were affected, but what those people did was deteriorate and loot the building, now there are several people trying to recover the space; Since everything was looted on the floors above the one we are working on, there is a lot of material that we can reuse, such as dry wall sheets and aluminum panels to create the columns, which helps us to create independent offices for each department working at Guarenasflow. We collect some of those dry wall sheets to cover the wall where we place the window, we take all the correct measurements and cut the panels that we would use, the good thing is that the team is made up of many members and they are willing to collaborate, that allows us to carry out with fast work 💪🏼.
Ese edificio en el que estamos trabajando recuperando uno de los pisos, en el pasado el gobierno asigno varios de los pisos para personas que quedaron damnificados, pero esa gente lo que hizo fue deteriorar y desvalijar el edificio, ahora hay varios personas intentando recuperar el espacio; debido a que todo fue desvalijado en los pisos superiores a el que estamos trabajando, hay mucho material que podemos reutilizar nosotros, como láminas de dry wall y paneles de aluminio para crear las columnas, eso nos sirve para poder crear las oficinas independientes para cada departamento de trabajo en Guarenasflow. Recopilamos algunas de esas láminas de dry wall para cubrir la pared donde colocamos la venta, sacamos todas las medidas correctas y cortamos los paneles que usaríamos, lo bueno es que el equipo esta conformado por muchos integrantes y estan dispuestos para colaborar, eso permite realizar con rapidez el trabajo 💪🏼.








We began to fix the dry wall panels to the aluminum structure, the last time we stopped, because the screws had run out, this week we got more screws and with that we were able to place each sheet of dry wall; the bit for the screwdriver drill that we had was insulated and was no longer useful for screwing, I had to do it manually and there was only a slotted screwdriver 😅 my hand still hurts from all the screws I screwed 😂 but the goal was achieved 💪🏼.
Comenzamos a fijar los paneles de dry wall a la estructura de aluminio, la última vez nos frenamos, porque se habían acabado los tornillos, esta semana conseguimos mas tornillos y con eso fue que pudimos colocar cada lámina de dry wall; la mecha para taladro atornillador que teníamos de aisló y ya no servía para atornillar, tenía que hacerlo manualmente y solo había un destornillador de estría 😅 todavía me duele la mano de todo los tornillos que atornille 😂 pero se logro el objetivo 💪🏼.





This cubicle is destined to become a music production studio, so a lot of work is still needed to properly condition that space. All the publications that are being made regarding the project are to raise funds and to be able to invest in materials that we need. such as paint, mastic, wood, lamps, switches, sockets, among other things that are necessary for the correct manipulation of the space; soon we will be posting more project progress 😌👍🏼. I hope you like this post, good vibes 🖖🏼.
Este cubículo esta destinado a convertirse en un estudio de producción musical, por eso todavía hace falta de mucho trabajo para lograr acondicionar correctamente ese espacio, todos las publicaciones que se estan realizando referentes al proyecto son para recaudar fondos y poder invertir en materiales que necesitamos, como pintura, mastique, madera, lamparas, interruptores, tomas de corriente, entre otras cosas que son necesarias para la correcta manipulación del espacio; pronto estaremos publicando mas avances del proyecto 😌👍🏼. Espero que este post sea de su agrado, buenas vibras 🖖🏼.














All images and texts cited in this publication are my own authorship.
Todas las imágenes y textos citados en esta publicación son de mi propia autoría.




@psyshock Much success in this remodeling project, I am pleased that you are taking advantage of the resources that are available to you.


Of course, friend, we have to take advantage of all the resources we can, since we do not have so much economic availability to invest from our pockets, that is why we reuse materials 💪🏼😌

These days I saw from one of the windows a school building that is in front and I could appreciate many abandoned desks on the roof of that building; I proposed to the team that we approach the educational institution and present the project we are working on and ask for a donation of those abandoned desks for us to restore and use, since we will soon start giving artistic workshops and we need seats for the participants of the workshops 😉

Grateful for the support 😌

Good vibes 🖖🏼


the whole shape is gradually taking sharp. Bravo


Let's go calmly but safely 💪🏼 little by little we will generate a pleasant space for community artistic development 😌

Grateful for the support 💪🏼

Good vibes 🖖🏼


Cheers @psyshock, the remodels give a great style to the buildings, I hope you can soon recover and repair the building area and set up the music production office.

Happy start of the week!


Grateful for the support friend 🤗 that's how it is little by little this project is taking shape and since we set ourselves the first goal of completing the musical study, we have been working hard to achieve it 💪🏼😁. Soon I will continue posting the progress 😌

Good vibes 🖖🏼


It is great you have the skills to do the remodeling. I’m liking forward to seeing the recording space once finished.


Throughout my short life 😅 I have acquired many productive skills 💪🏼 since I have worked in places where I have been able to learn to do everything, that is why it is very easy for me to do all those remodeling 😁.

We still have a long way to go in this project, but little by little it is taking shape; The next thing to do is the internal cabin, of course we still need to seal all those walls well to improve the acoustics and then we move on to the internal cabin 🙃 here we go 😁

Good vibes 🖖🏼


excelente trabajo bendiciones a todos tus proyectos


Agradecido mi pana 😌👍🏼 con esfuerzo y perseverancia poco a poco iremos avanzando en todo los proyectos que propongamos en esta vida 💪🏼😁

Buenas vibras 🖖🏼


Muy buen trabajo el que estan haciendo. Espero logren culminar sus labores y comenzar con su proyecto!

!discovery 30


Agradecido amigo 👍🏼 realmente estamos comprometidos con este proyecto y queremos materializarlo con la mejor intención posible para poder compartir un poco de la cultura venezolana, pero todo tiene su proceso 😌 poco a poco iremos construyendo un espacio agradable para lograr nuestros objetivos 😁

Buenas vibras 🖖🏼


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