I want to use this medium to greet all great Hivers. How has been your day so far, hope you are all doing good? I'm positive minded that it's all well and fine.
This Fence I'm doing is in collaboration with my Landlord who was the brain behind the space I'm using for my poultry farm business. My Pen is situated exactly beside his Cocoanut tree which had reached its harvest period. The making of the Fence is for three purposes; my Landlord wants to use the fence to prevent anything that might halt the growth and the development of his Cocoanut. Secondly, the Fence is to prevent the unnecessary interference for anyone into the Pen. Lastly, I want to use the space in between my Pen and the fence for small garden and to use the Fence to prevent animals from disturbing the veggies.
After a gentle dialogue, at first, my suggestion was that he should complete the fence since it's half way done but he gave reasons that to complete the fence might be costly. So we agreed to make the Fence a net, pole and binding wire Fence since we have the Fence already built with cement made blocks.
My Landlord made provision or the net, the poles and the binding wire with little contribution from me while I did the mounting and all other things. That's him in the far end of the net, he's such an amazing Man.
The tools I used are
- Cutlass and Tizzle cutter
- Binding wire
- Hammer
Step by step
The first to be done was arranging of the iron poles inside the blocks to serve as pillars so that the meshes wire would have something to rest on.
The poles are six in numbers. Having done that we used some broken blocks to patch the poles in between blocks to make it firm but we are still considering using cement to patch it.
That's the last thing we did before we lay the meshes wire on the poles. Then after tacked the wire to the poles with binding wires.
Thanks for stopping by to view my blog. Please do have a wonderful day ahead.@peterale cares🤭