WednesdayWalk: cross-country ski

in #hive-1555303 years ago

Hi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима!


17 01 2 0 2 2
WednesdayWalk: cross-country ski

Better skis can only be skis ― instead of preamble

I haven't cross-country skied for fifteen years. But yesterday, friends invited us to take a walk in the winter forest. How kind of them, isn't it? Moreover, friends took us to their village house in their car. All that was required of us was presence and appropriate clothing. At first, I doubted a little whether I wanted to change the warmth and comfort of the house for a winter snow-covered forest, but then I cast aside all doubts ...
It has been snowing for the past two days. Roads and paths in the village were covered with snowdrifts. We couldn't get to the house. A narrow path led up to the porch.
There is a tree by the side of the path. My attention was drawn to the Christmas decorations. Christmas decorations and snow look very picturesque.
The living room in the house looks no less beautiful. It reminded me of an image of some distant taiga winter hut. To celebrate Christmas in such a place is very romantic!
Quick change of clothes. Fifty drops of hot wine. Four pairs of skis are waiting for us outside...


The winter forest looks like you are in a fairy tale. The trees are covered with snow. Stately pines are especially beautiful. Their closest relatives, ate, are no less beautiful. They look like sleeping fairy-tale creatures. And what a wonderful air in the forest! Feeling like you can drink it.


A person also needs to actively move in winter, as well as in summer. Regular walks in the open air charge us with energy, give strength, strengthen health and increase efficiency. In winter, in our area, one of the most accessible and useful types of active recreation is skiing. This type of physical activity is suitable for people of any age.


Cross-country skiing has undeniable benefits for our body. Moreover, the positive effect manifests itself in two directions at once - both the physical condition and the psycho-emotional state improve.
Any active activity has a positive effect on the respiratory system, and the one that is in fresh air is especially. Ski walks perfectly ventilate the lungs. This activates the circulation of the lungs and other organs.


In the process of skiing, bone tissue is strengthened, joints are maintained in working condition, muscles are trained and strengthened. A walk through the winter forest will help you relax and gain strength for the next working week. The contemplation of nature will charge any skeptic with positive!


Я не ходил на беговых лыжах лет пятнадцать. Но вчера друзья пригласили нас совершить прогулку по зимнему лесу. Как это любезно с их стороны, не правда ли? Мало того друзья отвезли нас в свой деревенский домик на своей машине. От нас лишь требовалось присутствие и соответствующая одежда. Поначалу я немного сомневался, хочу ли я сменить тепло и уют дома на зимний заснеженный лес, но потом отбросил все сомнения...
Последние два дня шли снегопады. Дороги и тропинки в деревне оказались покрыты сугробами. Мы не смогли подъехать к дому. К крыльцу вела узкая тропинка.
Возле тропинки стоит елка. Мое внимание привлекли рождественские украшения. Елочные игрушки и снег выглядят очень живописно.
Не менее красиво выглядит гостиная в домике. Это напомнило мне образ какого-то далекого таежного зимовья. Встретить в таком месте Рождество - очень романтично!
Быстрая смена одежды. Пятьдесят капель горячего вина. На улице нас ждут четыре пары лыж...

Зимний лес выглядит так словно ты попал в сказку. Деревья покрыты снегом. Особенно красивы статные сосны. Их ближайшие родственники, ели не менее красивы. Они похожи на спящих сказочных существ. А какой замечательный воздух в лесу! Ощущение, что его можно пить.


Stand by

Sincerely yours





Прекрасный домик и отличная прогулка!

I have never done cross country skiing it must be an experience and sure looks like you were in a winter wonderland

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Nice to see your comment again)

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!

Hey @mister-omortson, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Yes I haven’t been visiting and commenting as much as I used to sorry about that

Клссная прогулка!

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