Happy to share with you another manual work, using recycling material and above all a lot of creativity. Sometimes I do schoolwork with my children and I really enjoy this moment, since we put all the effort and dedication so that they have a good grade.
✔Caja de Cartón
✔Pinturas al frio
✔Hojas blancas
✔Cartones de diferentes tipos
✔Pega blanca
✔Silicón líquido
✔Piedras y arena
✔Papel de seda
✔Papel marrón
✔Hoja de acetato verde
✔Tela de guata
✔ Cold paints
✔White sheets
✔ Cartons of different types
✔White paste
✔ Liquid silicone
✔ Markers
✔ Stone and sand
✔ Silk paper
✔ Brown paper
✔ Green acetate sheet
✔ Wadding fabric
Comenzamos forrando la caja de papel marrón, esta será la base de la maqueta. Con la tapa de la caja la cortamos y forramos con hoja blanca . La pegamos en el fondo lo que representará el cielo.
We start by lining the brown paper box, this will be the base of the model. With the lid of the box we cut it and line it with white sheet. We paste it in the background which will represent the sky.
Para representar la montaña, cortamos un cono con cartón y lo pegamos a un lado de la caja. tomamos tiras de papel marrón y hacemos un mezcla de pega blanca con agua, y vamos forrando la montaña para que esta tome dureza y textura.
To represent the mountain, we cut a cone out of cardboard and glued it to the side of the box. We take strips of brown paper and make a mixture of white glue with water, and we line the mountain so that it takes on hardness and texture.
Luego de terminar la montaña, procedo a pintar el mar con pintura al frio azul y el rio que desciende desde lo mas alto de la montaña. Igualmente realizamos unos arboles con una lamina de acetato color verde que tenia y cartón.
After finishing the mountain, I proceed to paint the sea with blue cold paint and the river that descends from the top of the mountain. We also made some trees with a green acetate sheet that I had and cardboard.
La montaña y parte de la tierra se pinto de verde al igual que el agua y el cielo de azul. La parte de la cima de la montaña coloque blanco simulando la nieve.
The mountain and part of the land were painted green as well as the water and the sky blue.The part of the top of the mountain put white simulating snow.
Después de pintar de verde la montaña y parte de la vegetación, la orilla del la playa le colocamos suficiente pega blanca y agregamos arena cernida, para dar el aspecto de la arena de la playa, el efecto quedo genial. Los arboles que realice los coloque con silicón líquido sosteniéndolo con unos envases para que se fijara. y a la orilla del rio se coloco piedritas separadas.
After painting the mountain and part of the vegetation green, we put enough white glue on the shore of the beach and added sifted sand, to give the appearance of beach sand, the effect was great. The trees that you make are placed with liquid silicone, holding it with some containers so that it will be fixed. and on the bank of the river separate pebbles were placed.
Las nubes se realizaron con tela de guata, esta es blanca y da un aspecto de nube al trabajo. Las coloque en la parte del cielo que estaba forrado de blanco y fue pintada con pintura al frio azul claro. Con marcador coloque los procesos del ciclo del agua, y flechas que indicaban cada uno en marcador azul.
The clouds were made with wadding fabric, this is white and gives the work a cloud-like appearance. I placed them in the part of the sky that was lined with white and was painted with light blue cold paint. With a marker, place the processes of the water cycle, and arrows that indicated each one in blue marker.
Finalizamos esta maqueta colocando algunos detalles como el sol en cartón y un barco también en cartón. La parte de abajo se pinto de marrón y azul representando la infiltración. De esta manera culminamos esta educativa maqueta del ciclo del agua. Esperando que hayan disfrutado de su elaboración.
We finish this model by placing some details such as the cardboard sun and a cardboard boat. The lower part was painted brown and blue to represent infiltration. In this way we culminate this educational model of the water cycle. Hoping you have enjoyed making it.
Todas las fotos son propias editadas en Photo Collage Maker. Hasta un próxima oportunidad, amigos manualistas.
All photos are own edited in Photo Collage Maker. Until a next opportunity, crafty friends.