Milk and Fruit Jelly
I noticed that I had two packs of gelatine when I was cleaning my kitchen shelf the other day. I needed to use them before I forgot about them. I decided to make jelly with milk and fruit. My husband can't eat most fruits due to his allergy issues, but he can eat oranges and canned fruit. So, I determined to use oranges and canned peaches.
I remember enjoying milk and fruit jelly during my elementary school lunches when I was young. I prefer less salty and sugarless foods, much like those served in school lunches or hospital meals, where nutrition is carefully considered. My memory of school milk and fruit jelly is of a simple and delicious treat. It was also very easy to make.
・500ml Milk
・2 Oranges
・1 can of peaches with juice
・2 packs of gelatine
・2 tablespoons of sugar (or more)
The preparation time is 20 minutes, including the preparation time. (After making it, leave it in the fridge overnight)
Peel the oranges and cut them in half, leaving the skins on.
Open the can and retain the juice.
Heat the milk in a microwave oven for about 1-2 minutes. Add the gelatine packs and mix them. Then, add the sugar and juice, and mix well.
Oh, my furry supervisor is checking on me. He said if you prefer a sweeter taste, add more sugar.
Place the oranges and peaches in a glass container. Pour the milk over them. Then, refrigerate the mixture overnight.
Done! It looks pretty. If you like strawberries, kiwis, or pineapples, feel free to add them. And remember, if you're using canned fruit, don't forget to keep the juice from the cans.
Japanese 日本語
・牛乳 500ml
・みかん 2個
・桃の缶詰 1缶と汁
・ゼラチン 2パック
・砂糖 大さじ2(またはそれ以上)
Thank you for reading!