The Genie (Short Story) | My LIL-Only Entry For Let's Make A Collage - Round 169 {Eng/Esp]


For my entry this week in Round 169 of the Let's Make A Collage Contest, my theme was "wishes". I wanted to create an atmosphere surrounding the freeway and the interpretation of the items found under it. My thoughts instantly turned to wishes and hope. A genie from a bottle would appear and granted wishes to those under the freeways.

Hope is a special type of wish. It involves desiring something in the future. A better life, perhaps. A desire to do, continue, or stop something is a strong emotion.

Of course, as human beings, we know there is no magic wand one can wave and all will we crave will be granted. However, we can wish.

To begin creating my scene, I included the original contest image from: Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 169 - ✨119 HIVE in the Prize Pool!.


Para mi trabajo de esta semana en la ronda 169 del concurso Hagamos un collage, mi tema era "deseos". Quería crear una atmósfera en torno a la autopista y la interpretación de los objetos que se encuentran bajo ella. Mis pensamientos giraron instantáneamente en torno a los deseos y la esperanza. Un genio de una botella aparecía y concedía deseos a los que se encontraban bajo las autopistas.

La esperanza es un tipo especial de deseo. Implica desear algo en el futuro. Una vida mejor, tal vez. El deseo de hacer, continuar o dejar de hacer algo es una emoción fuerte.

Por supuesto, como seres humanos, sabemos que no existe una varita mágica que podamos agitar y nos conceda todo lo que deseamos. Sin embargo, podemos desear.

Para empezar a crear mi escena, incluí la imagen original del concurso: Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 169 - ✨119 HIVE in the Prize Pool!.



The Genie (El Genio)

The wind howled, calling their name before searching for them. It knew their hiding place in plain sight hoping it would miss them and wrap its arms around other, more elderly bodies. It didn't take long to find Evie and Avie.

Two sisters, their home was now in the company of others in the same economic and social predicament, residing on the edge of town.

The day's sun and night's moon were their guides to the beginning and ending of each day. Which day? they weren't quite sure.

No, they don't live. They survive day by day.

Under the freeway bridge, alone with no immediate family, they only had each other.

Life for them was turmoil daily. Hot coals under their feet, they learned at an early age how to scrounge to live.

Their only wish was to be delivered from their plight so that they could seek a better life.

Now, facing starvation, they felt the time had passed. They couldn't move forward from this place. They couldn't go home.

Coddling the two empty bottles, they took one last drag from the vape. Holding hands, they recited a childhood chant. They couldn't remember who introduced it to them.

With the two empty bottles in one hand, they blew bubbles, looked at each other, then giggled as if they were in their bedroom at home. The warm blanket. The milk and cookies before the night light faded.

They prayed.

The apparitions rose from the depth of their despair. They blew soft whispers into their ears. The sisters fell asleep in each others arms.

Their wishes were granted.

Now they live on top of the bridge. Passersby snap photos and take selfies whenever they draw near. The sisters' story is not unique. But they have left a legacy of hope for others.

The sculptor who honored the sisters and spread their story is to be commended.


El viento aulló, llamándoles por su nombre antes de buscarles. Conocía su escondite a plena vista con la esperanza de no verlas y rodear con sus brazos otros cuerpos más ancianos. No tardó mucho en encontrar a Evie y Avie.

Dos hermanas, su hogar estaba ahora en compañía de otras personas en la misma situación económica y social, que residían en las afueras de la ciudad.

El sol del día y la luna de la noche eran sus guías para el comienzo y el final de cada día. ¿Qué día? No estaban muy seguros.

No, no viven. Sobreviven día a día.

Bajo el puente de la autopista, solos y sin familia directa, sólo se tenían el uno al otro.

La vida para ellos era una agitación diaria. Con carbones calientes bajo los pies, aprendieron a una edad temprana a gorronear para vivir.

Su único deseo era ser liberados para poder buscar una vida mejor.

Ahora, enfrentados a la inanición, sentían que el tiempo había pasado. No podían avanzar desde este lugar. No podían volver a casa.

Mimando las dos botellas vacías, dieron una última calada al vapeador. Cogidos de la mano, recitaron un cántico de la infancia. No recordaban quién se lo había enseñado.

Con las dos botellas vacías en una mano, soplaron burbujas, se miraron y luego soltaron risitas como si estuvieran en la habitación de su casa. La manta calentita. La leche y las galletas antes de que se apagara la luz de la noche.


Las apariciones surgieron de la profundidad de su desesperación. Las susurraron suavemente al oído. Las hermanas se durmieron abrazadas.

Sus deseos se cumplieron.

Ahora viven en lo alto del puente. Los transeúntes las fotografían y se hacen selfies cada vez que se acercan. La historia de las hermanas no es única. Pero han dejado un legado de esperanza para otros.

Hay que elogiar al escultor que honró a las hermanas y difundió su historia.



In preparing my theme, I decided to utilize only the LMAC LIL images, together with my own fractals. I knew I wanted to invert the contest photo to utilize only the bridge section. Once inverted, the dark skyline created dramatic clouds with which to conjure up a genie from a bottle. The street art drawn on one of the pillars was interesting as it was a woman. She looked forlorn. My story emerged.

My strategy was simple. Locate a genie from the database. I was fortunate enough to find an image of a partial face. This would blend well as the face will be in the skyline. The image I found was actually of a serious face contributed to the LIL by @alex2alex. But for my purposes, the expression was perfect.

First I wanted to showcase one of my recent pure fractals I created. This image is exquisite in my opinion and resembles a giant bow or butterfly. I created this image in Apophysis 7X, an advanced fractal rendering program.

I wanted to soften the face of the woman depicted in the street art. Placing my fractal on her face was perfect. The image transformed the woman into someone with whom you can identify.


Al preparar mi tema, decidí utilizar únicamente las imágenes LMAC LIL, junto con mis propios fractales. Sabía que quería invertir la foto del concurso para utilizar sólo la sección del puente. Una vez invertida, la oscura línea del horizonte creaba unas nubes espectaculares con las que evocar al genio de la botella. El arte callejero dibujado en uno de los pilares era interesante, ya que se trataba de una mujer. Parecía desamparada. Surgió mi historia.

Mi estrategia era sencilla. Localizar un genio en la base de datos. Tuve la suerte de encontrar una imagen de una cara parcial. Esto encajaría bien ya que la cara estaría en la línea del horizonte. La imagen que encontré era en realidad de una cara seria aportada al LIL por @alex2alex. Pero para mis propósitos, la expresión era perfecta.

Primero quería mostrar uno de mis recientes fractales puros que he creado. Esta imagen es exquisita en mi opinión y se asemeja a un arco gigante o una mariposa. Creé esta imagen en Apophysis 7X, un programa avanzado de renderizado fractal.

Quería suavizar el rostro de la mujer representada en el arte callejero. Colocar mi fractal sobre su rostro fue perfecto. La imagen transformó a la mujer en alguien con quien identificarse.



Next, I included the following additional images to complete my theme. The water drop by @quantumg was perfect as a gene bottle.

A continuación, incluí las siguientes imágenes adicionales para completar mi tema. La gota de agua de @quantumg era perfecta como botella genética.


Thanks for your visit. I hope you liked my collage theme and short story.

Gracias por su visita. Espero que te haya gustado mi tema del collage y mi relato corto.




It is imperative that you read the post LMAC School - Public Domain Picture sources (Free Materials for creating collages) by @quantumg, which discusses public domain issues. The post offers valuable information on images for commercial use. Links are included to sources that offer public domain images and other images that are free for commercial uses. Using public domain pictures and free pictures for commercial use are requirements for all collages that are submitted as entries in the LMAC contest and the LMAC Image Library (LIL).

What is Let's Make a Collage?It is a weekly photography and collage contest.
Who created the contest?@shaka is the contest owner.
What type of contest is it?This Contest utilizes a single photo provided by the contest owner as the basis for you to create your own photo collage by adding to the photo provided.
What are the rules?1. Use as your starting point for your collage the photography provided by the contest owner. It is located on the contest owner's post for free use without any copyright protection.
2. Entries are required to be posted to the LMAC community and must contain a link to the contest post.
3. Entries need to set the LMAC account (@lmac) as 20% beneficiary to be eligible for the dynamic component of the prize pool.;
4. Extra support with the LMAC trail to all collages where LIL assets have been included AND the respective LIL-contributors set as 2% beneficiaries;
5. By submitting your contribution you agree that your artwork remains public domain and that it can be copied, modified and distributed, even for commercial purposes, without requiring further permission.
6. Any graphical element that is added to the photography either needs to be your own original work (e.g. own artwork or photography) OR needs to derive from sites whitelisted by LMAC.
7. IMPORTANT: Indicate the source of all materials used in your accompanying post. Otherwise your entry can NOT be put up for the final vote.
8. All sort of editing, modification and/or manipulation is allowed as long as no copyright is affected.
What do you win?Prizes listed on the contest owner's post.


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión



Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 153 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

It is a great entry for the contest. Thanks for participating.

Hello @bilalyousaf. I appreciate your visit and lovely compliment for my short story and collage. I'm pleased you liked how it turned out. I appreciate your support.

Take care.


@bilalyousaf! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @justclickindiva. (4/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

What a poignant and thought-provoking story! My heart broke as I read Avie and Evie's story. The scene of hopelessness, poverty and despair, was well set. The girls took their last drink, remembering the good old days and thinking no one would care. The sculptor did!

The sculptor gave a voice to the girls' story otherwise they would have been forgotten. This is the power of art and storytelling—to carry on the lives of those who have passed so they are remembered. Beautifully written. And lovely collage too. Good luck in the contest. 😊 !LUV

Hello @kemmyb. Oh so good of you to visit. Busy on my end. I was pleased to read that you found my collage and story heart-felt. Homelessness is heartbreaking in itself. When I saw the contest photo and the female street art drawing, I knew I had to highlight her face and story.

Yes, I found her sister so she wouldn't be lonely under the freeway. Many teens live on the streets never find their way back home. I hear many stories and see their faces in leaflets telling of their captured and forced to live a life of human servitude. Sad indeed to feel you can't go home.

Many have been lost for years and seem to be forgotten.

Thank you so much for your kind words and thorough examination of the story and collage. I love it. I appreciate your support as always.

Take care. Have a good rest of your weekend.


Many teens live on the streets never find their way back home

This is a common trend all over world and a heartbreaking one too. Having a genuine place a person can truly call home is a blessing. Thanks for sharing the story. Have a wonderful Sunday and take care. !LADY 🙂

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@kemmyb! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @justclickindiva. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

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¡Hola, @justclickindiva! ¡Qué hipnótica composición has conseguido! Si hubiera un pozo donde se fraguan los poderes mágicos, creo que podría lucir así. Que bueno ver tus fractales en acción en esta ronda.

Hello @adncabrera. So nice of you to visit. Hope you have been doing good this week. I was pleased to read that you liked my collage and story. Yes, I have been busy creating new fractals, so I thought I'd try them out. Thanks for your support as always.

Take care.

Muy amable por tu visita. Espero que te haya ido bien esta semana. Me ha encantado leer que te han gustado mi collage y mi historia. Sí, he estado ocupada creando nuevos fractales, así que pensé en probarlos. Gracias por vuestro apoyo, como siempre.



@adncabrera! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @justclickindiva. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Yay! 🤗
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