The Flicker Haven Farm Files-Stack Attack 2023

in #hive-114308last year


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As I sit here and type this homestead-themed missive, there is a subtle burning betwixt my shoulder blades that reminds me of the great accomplishment of the week, the firewood is all done!

Of course, getting to that point was easier said than done, but yesterday I went all She-rah full power princess and loaded and stacked six pickup loads of wood in a few hour period. I just wanted it done. So it was so.


Of course, doing that the day before I had to do the never-ending Rice Krispie treat story at work might not have been my best plan ever, but I am known as a chronic over-doer so I have my reputation to uphold.

That said, it is such a lovely feeling to have the wood for the winter all done. I feel all cozy hobbit-like when I gaze upon the stacks. My flintlocks will not be cold this winter!


Not having livestock for the first time in twenty+ years is very evident around the place right now, for we are actually ahead in fall chores and winter prep. All I really have to do is to plant the garlic, sow a bit more cover crops, and put away the irrigation. I have to admit, it feels pretty awesome!

Plus, it gives me a bit of extra time to play with these two heathens:


Jojo and Leonidas sure are growing like little weeds. They have also fit right into the fracas that is our house. Of course that means that no one's phalanges are safe at all, but they are so cute that it's an acceptable hazard to navigate.


I also baked an absolutely splendid cake yesterday, a pear creation that I will be blogging about tomorrow or the next day. In fact, I just ate a piece for dinner, because I can.

There's also been a weekly wreath-making thing going on here at the farm that's been utilizing all of the dried flowers that I grew and harvested this summer, along with a bunch more wildcrafted stuff that my friend foraged. I must say my barn currently looks and smells far better than it has over the past couple decades. Lavender always comes in first over manure in my book, at least smell-wise.

For now though, it's time for me to shove off. Tonight is game night and I must prepare for the onslaught that is to come. We are in the midst of a very interesting D&D campaign and I have a feeling that tonight our somewhat frustrated at our antics DM is probably going to smite us.

Nothing makes a night worth living like trying to avoid a smiting!

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's still sawdust encoated iPhone. The text divider image was made in Canva.


Ohhh my gaaaawwwwwd look at those little heathens!!! 😍

lol! You are so right, they are so adorable! And such heathens! My curtains are already suffering....


I wish my wood was cut and in the shed. Still no woodman with his machine...

Oh no! It's October dangit! I sure hope he shows up soon!!!


Lovely view

Thanks so much!!



$PIZZA slices delivered:
generikat tipped jacobtothe
generikat tipped goldenoakfarm
generikat tipped corvidae
generikat tipped omojuwa007
@generikat(4/15) tipped @scribblingramma
generikat tipped rafzat

So you've not had any livestock for twenty years?
That's too long

Nope, I had livestock for the last twenty years, but am currently without any because my son is on a traveling skeet and trap team and we have quite a bit of traveling ahead of us over the next 24 months!


Dang it, I keep forgetting to pop over and play with those kittens! Life has gotten out of hand at my house. Again. (Still?) I, too, need to plant garlic, and I need to pick your brain about cover crops.

Lol! It seems we both are still in the thick of things as always😆 The kitties will enjoy your visit, as will I! Alas, today at least, I’m confined to bed to see if I can get the infernal gland to calm down. We have yo get together soon though, I love to chat about cover crops😁


Cake preview was delicious.

You did seem to enjoy it! I am hoping to get that recipe up on here Monday!