A Late June Bakefest!

in #hive-1782654 months ago


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Saturdays, I don't work in the bakery. It's not really a day off though, as I don't really tend to have many of those unless I intentionally set a day to relax, but Saturday's are sort of nice catch up days.

Or birthday cake baking days, those are fun too.


Actually, I baked a ton of stuff this morning. The first thing I threw in the oven was a loaf of bread. Store bread is just beyond costly, and there's this thing I noticed about store bread. IT DOESN'T MOLD!

Bread should mold if it languishes in the bread box for too long. Store bread used to mold when I was a kid, so it makes me wonder what sort of chemical compound magic they have done to the industrial recipes to keep bread from doing the whole decay and mold growth thing.

Ramble aside, I try to bake a loaf of overnight artisan bread every other day. The fam isn't sad about this as they absolutely adore the crusty, chewy loaves, and I feel good about it as I know they are not ingesting who knows what when they are eating cinnamon sugar toast and turkey sandwiches.



After baking the bread, I threw a pan of snickerdoodle cookie bars in the oven. They were super easy to whip up, and I wanted to take something special to my little buddy Squish at game night tonight. Usually we get him some gummy bears or something in that vein, but I really don't feel like stopping at the store this evening.

After those two things were baked and cooling, I wandered out to the garden and weeded for an hour and a half. It's that time of year where you better be weeding a bit every day or they will take over. You know, the whole warm temperatures, extra rain, and long daylight hours thing.

When I felt that I had made progress in the Battle Of Unwanted Chlorophyll Vessels. I moseyed back into my abode and began decorating the birthday cake. My daughter's bestie turns nineteen tomorrow, and I wanted to make her something special.

Mint chocolate Oreos are her favorite cookie, so I made Mint Chocolate Oreos The Cake.

It was fun.

Last night, after a blistering ten hours in the bakery, I came home and baked two triple chocolate layer cakes.


Today, I got out the cakes I had cooled and wrapped the night before, filled them with some chocolate mousse filling, and frosted the cake with some Mint Chocolate Oreo frosting that I whipped up.


I know the frosting was good because the hubs came in and ate the rest of it, and he doesn't like Oreos or cake. Or so he tells me. He also tells me that he only likes my cakes, and honestly, even though I already like him, that makes me like him even more.

With the cake being a birthday cake, I felt like some flourish was needed, so I started chopping mint Oreos in half.

The end product turned out pretty fancy, I am definitely not sad with the result.


And I don't think my girl's friend will be either. She's on her way to collect the comestible of celebratory well-wishes!

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's now in mint sandwich cookie flavor iPhone.


The cake looks really good. I wish I knew how to bake a cake and I’m surely going to learn that someday

Thanks so much! I am sure you would be awesome at baking cakes and I hope to see a blog post about them one day!


That Oreo cake looks chocolatey and very delicious, surely everyone enjoyed them. Quite a busy day but with some delicious food at the end. Thanks for sharing it on Daily Blog 💕.

Aww, thanks so much for all the kind cake words! I am sure she enjoyed her birthday cake of oreo goodness, just as I super enjoyed your comment!


Hey Generikat, remember to publish some content from InLeo to make the most out of your Premium Subscription!

Oof, I am sorry @leo.tasks, I am a terrible creature of habit sometimes, will work on rectifying that oversight now!

Thanks for the reminder😊



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Wow! Looks delicious 🤤



I’m picturing your phone with a veneer of frosting and one of the half cookies on top….:))

That was pretty accurate lol! (It's clean at the moment thankfully)


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Looks like I almost managed to overlook this post. That has been rectified. I hope you have sourdough baking recipes coming soon... wink! I know @scribblingramma also used some of my starter to make some bagels, and she said they turned out well.

I just made some sourdough discard chocolate chip pecan cookies this morning. The Squatch and Squatch Jr. are truly distraught about it. Truly. 😁 (Thanks again!)


Bread should mold if it languishes in the bread box for too long. Store bread used to mold when I was a kid, so it makes me wonder what sort of chemical compound magic they have done to the industrial recipes to keep bread from doing the whole decay and mold growth thing.

I noticed the same thing so that was confirmation enough that they add something which surely isn't great for our body. Weird how things change, right?

That cake looks divine! I was supposed to make a coconut cream with chocolate whipped cream (nothing fancy looking or anything) but my back is a pain today so maybe tomorrow :)

You got me eager to make it now though, but it's always a nightmare if the back is hurting already (low kitchen counter) so I will do it tomorrow.

Hope you're doing good with the health and stuff!


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There is an old saying about a busman's holiday involving going for a drive. Now it looks as if the baker's holiday involves baking. It all looks and sounds delicious. I have not been baking much, due to the excessive heatwave, but I did make sourdough bagels again just a few days ago.

Sourdough bagels sound delightful! And I had a bit of a chuckle over the holiday description, it seem more than true! I'm glad we are, hopefully, on the back side of that heatwave. Hopefully tonight the haze and smoke will clear, I hate that the most!