Pancarta para desfile pedagógico circuital/Banner for circuit educational parade

in #hive-1305603 years ago


El carnaval es una de las fiestas que más disfrutan los niños, pero igualmente los adultos, ya que está fecha es propicia para disfrazarse y pasarla muy bien.

Carnival is one of the parties that children enjoy the most, but also adults, since this date is conducive to dressing up and having a great time.

Nuestra institución fue el lugar de concentración para el desfile pedagógico circuital, por lo cual me correspondió realizar la pancarta del grado dónde el tema principal fueron los valores específicamente la justicia en nuestro caso, para tal fin debía poner toda mi creatividad e imaginación para crear algo original y con un poco de investigación lograr el objetivo.

Our institution was the place of concentration for the circuital pedagogical parade, for which it was up to me to make the banner of the degree where the main theme was values specifically justice in our case, for this purpose I had to put all my creativity and imagination to create something original and with a little research achieve the goal.

Mis estudiantes realizaron con ayuda de sus representantes unas hermosas balanzas con diferentes materiales y sus tapabocas con el mismo motivo para lucirlos el día de dicho evento que se llevó a cabo la mañana de hoy. También fue seleccionada una niña para representar la Diosa de la justicia, la cual fue plasmada en la pancarta elaborada.

My students made, with the help of their representatives, some beautiful scales with different materials and their face masks for the same reason to wear them on the day of said event that took place this morning. A girl was also selected to represent the Goddess of Justice, which was reflected in the elaborate banner.

Sin más preámbulo les muestro como realizar esta llamativa pancarta y el desfile dónde se logró lucir con una hermosa comparsa.

Without further ado, I show you how to make this striking banner and the parade where it was possible to show off with a beautiful troupe.


2 laminas de papel Bond.
Pinturas al frío.

2 sheets of Bond paper.
Cold paints.


Pegar las dos láminas de papel Bond y realizar la frase "Promotores de la justicia", junto a unas máscaras y la Diosa de la justicia.

Paste the two sheets of Bond paper and make the phrase "Promoters of justice", along with some masks and the Goddess of justice.

Comenzar a pintar la frase de variados colores junto con el grado a representar.

Begin to paint the phrase in various colors along with the grade to represent.

Luego pintamos las máscaras y nuestra Diosa.

Then we paint the masks and our Goddess.

Resaltar con marcador negro todos los contornos y realizar diferentes detalles con las pinturas.

Highlight all the contours with a black marker and make different details with the paints.

Ya lista nuestra pancarta para lucir en el desfile.

Our banner is ready to wear in the parade.

Al final los niños disfrutaron del hermoso desfile en dónde participó toda la institución con sus diferentes valores y unas hermosas orquídeas como tema central del desfile.

In the end, the children enjoyed the beautiful parade in which the entire institution participated with its different values ​​and some beautiful orchids as the central theme of the parade.


Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad. Tomadas con mi teléfono Samsung A1 Core.

All images are my property. Taken with my Samsung A1 Core phone.

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Thank you for following and voting my publications.



The people doing V2K want me to believe it is this lady @battleaxe Investigate what she has been up to for 5 years. Its the next step to stopping this. Make her prove where she has been for 5 years or where she is now. She is involved deeply with @fyrstikken and his group. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant say she is the one directly doing the v2k. Make her prove it. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Make @battleaxe prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the v2k in me is being broadcasted from her location. @battleaxe what is your location?

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