Temible Tiburón realizado con material de provecho/Fearsome shark made from scrap material

in #hive-1305603 years ago

Un saludo cordial a los miembros de esta hermosa comunidad
El día de hoy les compartiré como realice un Temible Tiburón con material de reciclaje, tome una caja de cartón que tenía en casa y me puse manos a la obra para realizar esta hermosa manualidad

A cordial greeting to the members of this beautiful community.
Today I will share with you how I made a Temible Shark with recycled material, I took a cardboard box I had at home and I got down to work to make this beautiful craft.




Pinturas de color negro rojo y blanco
Caja de cartón


Black, red and white paints
Cardboard box


Comenzamos dibujando las formas del tiburón en la caja de cartón y luego recortamos con la tijera

We start by drawing the shark shapes on the cardboard box and then cut them out with the scissors.


Para la panza de mi tiburón escogí un color rosado, lo obtuve con la mezcla del color blanco y un poco de rojo. Pinte las aletas y la parte de arriba del tiburón de color negro, para ello me ayude con el pincel

For the belly of my shark I chose a pink color, I obtained it by mixing white and a little bit of red. I painted the fins and the upper part of the shark in black, for this I used a brush.

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Al secarse las partes del tiburón las pegue con silicón en el lugar correspondiente. Dibujé un ojo y lo coloqué sobre la boca

When the parts of the shark were dry, I glued them with silicone in the corresponding place. I drew an eye and placed it over the mouth.


Recorte varios triángulos y lo pegue uno a uno en la boca simulando los dientes

Cut out several triangles and glue them one by one in the mouth simulating teeth.


Y de esta forma quedo mi Temible Tiburón/And this is how my Fearsome Shark looked like this

Espero les guste/I hope you like it


Las fotos son de mi autoría y fueron tomadas con mi celular Redmi 7

The photos are my own and were taken with my Redmi 7 cell phone.

Referencia del tiburón/Shark reference


Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism

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