Hello friends, happy Tuesday to all of you, I hope you are feeling well. Today I want to share with you how to make a creative flower pot with flowers made with useful material, I hope you like it and encourage you to do it.
Materiales utilizados:
Cucharas plásticas recicladas
Materials used
Recycled plastic spoons
Pasos a seguir:
Para iniciar marque y corte en la cartulina tres flores y unas hojas.
Steps to follow:
To start, mark and cut three flowers and some leaves on the cardboard.
Pinte las cucharas plásticas recicladas con las pinturas verde y amarillo y puntos negros,luego pegue las cucharas en las flores de cartulina decorando con las hojas.
Paint the recycled plastic spoons with the green and yellow paints and black dots, then glue the spoons onto the cardboard flowers and decorate them with the leaves.
Corte tres cuadros de cartón del mismo tamaño.Luego pegue los cuadros en forma de triángulo y le coloque una base de cartón de fondo, posteriormente adherí las flores dentro del triangulo que forma el porrón,florero o maceta.
Cut three cardboard squares of the same size, then glue the squares in the shape of a triangle and place a cardboard base on the bottom, then glue the flowers inside the triangle that forms the vase, flower pot or flower pot
Para finalizar corte unas espigas y pegue dentro del florero para embellecer.
Finally, cut some dowels and glue them inside the vase to embellish.
Este fue el resultado.
This was the result.
Espero les haya gustado está encantadora maceta ideal para decorar, realizada con materiales de provecho y fácil de elaborar.
I hope you liked this charming flowerpot ideal for decorating, made with useful materials and easy to make.