Latte macchiato at home / 家で自分で作るラテマキアート

in #hive-1525246 months ago

Sometime in last winter, I fell in love with latte macchiato, which I can see the beautiful coffee brown and milk white and fluffy foam on top from outside. I started ordering it often at cafes and these days I make it at home too with a milk former that I use to make cocoa in the winter.

I tried several milk formers and settled on this one that can be put over a stove.

I make coffee while warming up the milk.

I'm not a big fan of adding a lot of sugar to drinks, but I like to use this coconut sugar and spice mix that my partner received when he was into food boxes. It says Winter Genusst, so it's for winter ... It's OK, it's tasty 😉

Once the milk is warm, I make foam.

I enjoyed taking pictures with my hands free smart phone holder. You can read about it in detail in one of my posts: "My new device to take cooking process photo".

I took too much time for the photo and had a bit less foam 😅

I had it with chocolate coated pumpkin seeds that I received as a thank you when I spoke at a startup event the other day.

Taking the time to make myself a cup of coffee is a very enriching experience. It's hard to do on a busy morning, but I'd like to make time for it as much as possible.

Have a nice Friday and weekend everyone!

☕️ ☕️ ☕️




がっつり砂糖を入れるのは苦手ですが、相方がフードボックスに凝っていたときに届いたココナッツシュガーとスパイスのミックスを気に入って使っています。Winter Genusstと書いてあるので冬用ですね 😅 おいしいのでよし。


首からスマホを下げてボイスコントロールするあのスタンドを使えばこんな写真も撮れます。小さなこだわりなのだけど w




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Thank you for hosting a community to share coffee and experience ☕️



What a delicious latte macchiato. It's always good to learn something and more if you like it. I loved the brewing process and each of the pictures.

A latte macchiato, I have never found that variant in any coffee shop. You make me curious about the taste. Thanks for sharing... I think it is nice have a new variant in our home.