Building a Robust and Minimal Furniture for storing Wood Indoors

in #hive-18964111 months ago

Well, I promise, today's article will be my last one related in any way to firewood or wood-burning stoves...! At least, not for a while ^^ Hello dear Winters, how are you ?

Since the arrival of this stove, a number of items have found their way into the living room... You'll find them below :


There's this sort of vertical wheelbarrow for the logs, and above all the various containers for kindling, paper and cleaning materials for maintaining the stove.

In truth, I don't mind looking a bit campy, but I do like things to be a bit clear and square !

So, without missing a beat, I got to thinking and sketching out what would look best... In a way, I also embarked on this project after seeing @gogreenbuddy's bench-building project ! Let's just say that it really made me want to start building things again :)



So here's my first sketch and the few tools I've got here that I'm starting to get out when I have my morning chicory. And yes, I don't drink coffee any more, at least not on a daily basis. Too ying and acidic, at least for me !




Here's the wood I had available. 6 rough sawn fir strips and a plywood board I found for 2€ in a DIY shop. But let's get on with the building !





I start by marking the sections of my cleats that I'm going to use as legs and uprights at the four corners of the board.

Then I make a quick cut with a Japanese saw and use the cutting bench for the logs...





Next, I cut the uprights. I cut them to a metre in length and start pre-drilling the positions where I will place the crosspieces that will support the board.

After drilling, I chamfer each of the holes so that the screws don't protrude.


And here are my boards, ready and lightly sanded. It's nearly midday and I'm still missing several elements, so I'm off to do a few errands in the next town...



A short interlude with these two images of the cathedral in Mortagne-au-Perche in the light at the end of the day... Just goes to show, I'm not going to finish until nightfall !


And now I'm back with my screws and mounting brackets to make my furniture even more solid.




Without further ado, as you can see from the images, I set about installing the brackets. Because now it's really dark !




That's it, I'm starting to really assemble the different elements. To make it even more solid, I'm taking the trouble to glue each part.

So you can see at a glance that my ladders aren't straight. In any case, the uprights aren't parallel. But don't worry, everything will be back to normal in the next stage :)



And here's the finished piece of furniture... I admit I skipped the last few operations a bit, but I imagine you'll be able to see how it progressed! I mainly put the top board in place and just solidified the base and squared the whole thing up a bit.


I don't wait until the next morning to install it, and I put it in place as soon as it's finished !


But in the end, the image I took the next morning was still of much better quality, both in terms of colour and light.

So now all I have to do is bring in some logs and simply enjoy the fire ! I hope you've enjoyed this modest little article, which does what I wanted it to do :)

Thank you for visiting, I wish you a lovely day,



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Bon promis, cet article d'aujourd'hui sera mon dernier lié de près ou de loin au bois de chauffage ou au poêle à bois..! En tout cas, avant quelques temps ^^ Bonjour chers Hivers, comment allez-vous ?

Depuis l'arrivée de ce poêle, logiquement, plusieurs éléments sont arrivés dans le salon... On les retrouve ci-dessous :


On retrouve cette sorte de brouette verticale pour les bûches, et surtout les différents contenants avec le petit bois, le papier et les éléments de nettoyage pour l'entretien du poêle.

En vrai, ça ne me dérange pas d'avoir l'air d'un peu camper, mais j'aime quand même que les choses soient un peu claires et carrées !

Alors ni une ni deux, je me suis mis à réfléchir et à dessiner un peu ce qui serait le mieux... D'une certaine manière, je me suis aussi lancé dans ce projet après avoir vu le projet de construction de banc de @gogreenbuddy ! On va dire que cela m'a vraiment donné envie de me remettre à construire des choses :)



Alors voilà mon premier croquis et les quelques outils que j'ai ici et que je commence à sortir au moment de la chicorée matinale. Et oui, je ne bois plus de café, en tout cas plus quotidiennement. Trop ying et acide, en tout cas pour moi !




Voilà le bois que j'avais à disposition. 6 tasseaux de sapin bruts de sciage et une planche de contreplaqué trouvée pour 2€ dans un magasin de bricolage. Mais lançons-nous dans les opérations de constructions !





Je commence à par marquer les sections de mes tasseaux qui vont me servir de pieds et de montants aux quatre coins de la planche.

Ensuite, je coupe ça rapidement à la scie japonaise et comme tréteaux, je me sers du banc de coupe pour les bûches...





Ensuite, je passe aux montants. Je les coupe à un mètre de longueur et je commence à pré-percer les positions où je placerai les traverses qui soutiendront la planche.

Après le perçage, je chanfreine chacun des trous pour que les vis ne dépassent pas.


Et voilà mes tasseaux prêts et légèrement poncés, il est bientôt midi et il me manque plusieurs éléments et je pars donc pour quelques courses dans la ville d'à côté...



Petit intermède avec ces deux images de la cathédrale à Mortagne-au-Perche dans la lumière de la fin de journée... Comme quoi, je ne vais terminer qu'à la nuit tombée !


Et me voilà de retour avec mes vis et mes équerres de montage qui me permettront de solidifier encore davantage mon meuble.




Sans plus tarder, et on le voit sur les images à leur colorimétrie, je me lance dans la mise en place des équerres. Car ça y est, il fait vraiment nuit !




Voilà, ça y est, je commence à réellement assembler les différents éléments. Pour que cela soit encore plus solide, je prends la peine de coller chacune des parties.

Alors on s'aperçoit au premier coup d'oeil, mais mes échelles ne sont pas droites. En tout cas, les montants ne sont pas parallèles. Mais pas d'inquiétude, tout va rentrer dans l'ordre durant la suite des opérations :)



Et voilà le meuble terminé.. j'avoue que j'ai sauté un peu les dernières opérations, mais j'imagine que vous verrez comment ça a avancé ! J'ai surtout mis en place la planche du haut et me suis contenté de solidifier le piétement et à équerrer un peu l'ensemble.


Je n'attends pas le lendemain matin pour l'installer et je le mets en place dès que celui-ci est terminé !


Mais au final, l'image que je prends le lendemain matin est quand même de bien meilleure qualité, tant au point de vue colorimétrique qu'au niveau de la lumière.

Voilà, maintenant, il me reste à ramener des bûches et à tout simplement, profiter du feu ! J'espère que vous aurez apprécié ce petit article de construction certes modeste, mais qui fait ce que je désirais :)

Merci pour votre visite, je vous souhaite une excellente journée,



Tous les textes et images présentés ici sont les miens.



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Well-done! The whole place looks more neat now. You really know how to do this. I love how you took us from step to step to the finishing. Yeah the image in the morning looks more beautiful

Yeah, it's more visually clear now 👍 !

Wow! The finished look is perfect, you sure know your way around woods, it would cost me a huge amount to make same type if furniture here in my country, everywhere looks today and organized now, well done!


Thank you 😊 !

Yeah, wood can indeed be quite expensive, here it was still approximately 40-50€ I think...

Watching people do woodworks will always be impressive to me. Love it!

Yeah, I too love to watch people do craft and creation in general :)

Thank you @hiddenblade, have a great weekend ahead 😘

Great work, well done! Recently, I renovated an old wooden garden table but decided to keep the pleasure to myself only and not post online at all, hehe :)


Hehe, I understand that @lightcaptured ! It's indeed nice to keep much offline 😅

Thank you, the good thing is that a lot is still to do in that house !

Have a nice weekend ✌️

Tell me about it. I also live in a house and there is always something to do. A friendly advise if you have a to-do list - don't tick all the checkboxes as then instantly something new appears that has to be urgently done :D
Have a wonderful weekend yourself as well!

Basically, there are two main objectives: the garden and the house itself. For the garden, we're trying to make progress on the orchard and plant the trees as quickly as possible, as it takes the longest to grow and bear fruit. As for the vegetable garden, that will come next spring :)

As far as the house is concerned, there's a lot that's already been done, either by us or by the previous owners, but the biggest job is the insulation. Changing the windows, removing the cement that encourages damp in the walls... these are the biggest jobs! A bit of white paint would be nice too !

But I agree, everything have not to be done urgently !

Thank you, that made me curious about your own house 😉

Take care !

That sounds very familiar to me.
Our garden has a front yard that is mostly decorative, with cypresses, pine trees and two vines.
Then there is the back yard with a small orchard and between the trees I plant some vegetables, I love cherry tomatoes, gherkins, onions, hot peppers. Unfortunately our well gives less and less water each year due to the climate changes and I can't plant too many seasonal stuff. That's why I planted more trees this year with focus on edible ones.
I've done that windows renovation in the past, it's real pain and is so slow :) Not to mention, expensive too. After a huge roof repair this year for the next one the plans are to whitewash the walls outside as summers get even sunnier :)
You too, thank you!

Yes, deep down, it seems to be gradually becoming a garden forest :) Ah, the well and the water, I hope that more rain this winter will make up for that! Have you set up any water collectors ? I suppose so, but I should mention that last year I went to visit a woman who lives on a hill with no water and grows plants for essential oils. She's built two roof areas just to collect water and she stores over 40m3, which seems to last her all year. It could still be a solution !

As far as the renovations are concerned, we're going to do them bit by bit, trying of course to improve overall comfort !

Thanks for your reply and I saw that you'd sent me an article about your garden, so I'll have a look at it tomorrow 😉

Have a good weekend ahead !

Oh, garden forest sounds awesome to me, that would pay off in hot summers providing more shadows, what I love about adult trees is they don't need much watering, if any at all.
When we moved in to the house few years ago I made some calcs and it's not worth it the investment to collect rain water as during the summers here it generally doesn't rain. But still, I have 2 x 1m3 water containers that I fill at noon and then use the water in the evening giving the well enough time to "regenerate" the water volume ;)
Have a great weekend too, thank you!

Yes, once the trees are bigger, a self-sufficient ecosystem forms and we don't really need to water them any more! Thanks for sharing your article on your garden, I was pleased to see a lot of trees that I also love and that we share!

On the subject of water harvesting, I think the lady I used as an example harvested rainwater during the autumn and winter in preparation for the rainless summer. I think it's a good idea to have some available all year round...

Thanks again for sharing, I hope you have a great Sunday @lightcaptured !

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Thank you @glorydee and @diyhub ✌️


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This furniture carries it's own beauty in it's simplicity! Well done! And I like the fact you used things you had around already.
And personally, I wouldn't mind to see more stuff related to firewood and the stove. 😉 Take care!

Late thanks dear @aaskablackwolf 😅 ! I'm indeed quite happy with this one ! Simple and functional :)

Have a good Sunday ✌️


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This is a typical example of DIY(Do It Yourself). From start to finish, it looks great and the write up is well explanatory to say the least. I wish I can try this in the near future. You are welcome Buddy.

Hehe ! Thank you @peterale, hopefully I studied wood-working 😉 !

Have a good weekend ✌️

Bien réalisé.


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@anttn! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @itharagaian. (1/5)

Merci 😉

Bon weekend à toi !

Well, well, well, look how handy you are! 😊 It looks great! And functional!

I have also stopped drinking coffee for exactly same reason. Have you tried matcha latte? Much better taste and it's not acidic.. also healthy as it's full of antioxidants..

BTW, recently I've started to learn French, so I'm using your posts for practice, but I only realize that I'm not that far yet 😁 If you'd wrote something about weather, shopping, food or hobbies I could understand better 😂

Haha ! Indeed :) I wanted it super simple and solid, mission achieved I think !

I never tried matcha latte, would love to, but the occasion didn't show yet ! But I drink a lot of different teas, principally green Japanese ones and earl grey !

Ah, mais quelle bonne nouvelle ! I will start to write half of my comments to you in French so !
That's a great move, on my side I'm thinking about learning Japanese, will be tuff 😅

Have a lovely weekend ahead @delishtreats 😘

Now it looks really neat and well-organized. Enjoy the heating effects that this collection of wood will give you :)))

{the mushroom lamp is cute 😇 🍄}

Isn't it ? Thank you !!

We also have a squirrel one hehe 😅 !


Wave Media

😂 !

cuteeeeeee 😍

Yeaaah ! A little lamp tree would be perfect in addition haha !