The weather in Germany already made me start knitting socks. It is rainy and fresh. We had rarely over 30 degrees days (or zero?) even in August.
I wore my knitted socks last week and my daughter brought hers that was knitted with the same yarn.
No wonder, the socks were too small for her after a year. Her foot grew by 2-3 sizes last year.
We pulled out my yarn box and she picked yarn from it. As I had a lot of knitting time while we waited at my daughter's kids doctor and eye doctor last week (everything was fine), I finished one already and started the second one.
I will knit one more for her. Seems she is also a big fan of German warm wool socks 😉🧶I am somehow sad that I almost had no summer this year while I look forward the upcoming knitting season. I appreciate my mama and grandma taught knitting/crocheting to me.
そんな中、先週とても冷える日があって、毛糸の靴下を履きました。夏休み中だった子どもが私が毛糸の靴下を履いているのを見て、同じ毛糸で編んだ靴下を引っ張り出してきましたが・・・・・小さい。。そりゃあそうですよね、一年で平気で2-3サイズ大きくなって、今もう20cmですもん。あと5cmで追いつかれます😅 祖母、母、私と足が大きくて、さらに足の大きな父ちゃんだから足が大きくならないわけがない!