My Saturday project

in #diy3 years ago



I finally finished a little project that I’ve been trying to get around too for a long time. If I work it out and went non-stop it would most likely take me about an hour to knock these up.

I completed the one on the right months ago and we’ve been using it since but I just haven’t had time to do anything about the second one until recently. It took a couple of days to build because I was constantly being interrupted so I never got into a straight run.

I’m happy with them for sure. The one on the left is the best.

We have a farm not far away that sells raw milk to the public straight from the cow. That’s where we get our milk from and they use traditional glass bottles.

I’m thinking I need to make more and have a word to the owners to see if I can sell them there. There’s always Etsy and Facebook Marketplace of course.