Pretpostavljam da ih većina vas ima u svom domu? Mačka je jedna od najmagičnijih životinja na Zemlji. Njena aura je toliko velika, da zahvata ne samo čovjeka - vlasnika, nego i njegovu porodicu, dom. Smatraju je čuvarem domaćinstva, tako kažu.
Renovirala sam sobu, jedan zid planiran je za neke moje crteže. Kupila sam ramove i razmišljala ŠTA?
Niotkuda poruka- mačke!
Ispoštovala sam intuiciju i evo, naslikah sebi mace.
Biću neskromna, prevazišla sam sebe…mijau! 😻
I assume most of you have them in your home? The cat is one of the most magical animals on Earth. Its aura is so great that it covers not only the man - the owner, but also his family, home. They consider her the guardian of the household, so they say.
I renovated the room, one wall is planned for some of my drawings. I bought the frames and thought WHAT?
A message from nowhere - cats!
I followed my intuition and here I am, I painted my cats.
I will be immodest, I surpassed myself...meow! 😻
Na prvoj fotografiji se vidi moja najbolje naslikana maca, bar po mom ukusu. Naravno, kao što vidite u pitanju je akvarel. Meni omiljena boja mace je žuta. Ali ovog puta sam malo eksperimentisala sa bojama.
Prezadovoljna sam kako je ispala. Drugo mesto je zauzela Sijamska mačka!
The first photo shows my best painted kitty, at least according to my taste. Of course, as you can see, it is watercolor. My favorite cat color is yellow. But this time I experimented a bit with colors.
I am very pleased with how it turned out. The second place was taken by a Siamese cat!
Treće i četvrto mesto su zauzele crne debele mace! 😆 Lepe i debele. 😆
Third and fourth place went to black fat cats! 😆 Beautiful and fat. 😆
Tehnika kojom sam radila sve mace je akvarel, ali, crne mace sam radila posebnom tehnikom mokro na mokro. Ova tehnika se koristi kada želite efekat razlivanja boje. Ovo je odlična trhnika za persijske mačke. Dobija se izgled pufne. Vrlo je zanimljiva i mora pažljivo i sa puno vežbanja da se naslika.
Sve su mi podjednako drage ali ova ipak ostaje broj 1.! 🏅🏆
The technique I used to make all the cats is watercolor, but I did the black cats with a special wet-on-wet technique. This technique is used when you want a splash effect. This is a great market for Persian cats. A puffy appearance is obtained. It is very interesting and must be painted carefully and with a lot of practice.
They are all equally dear to me, but this one remains number 1! 🏅🏆
Zid je ukrašen! Stećna sam što mogu sebi da naslikam sliku po želji i činim nešto za sebe. A koja maca se vama najviše dopada?
Glasajte: 3, 2, 1. . . sad!
The wall is decorated! I am fortunate to be able to paint a picture for myself as I wish and do something for myself. And which kitty do you like the most?
Vote: 3, 2, 1. . . now!
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!