Pollo ñomi ñomi | Receta (Esp-Eng)

in #hive-1205863 years ago

Hola a todos los amantes de las artes culinarias! Hoy quiero compartir una deliciosa receta con la gente bella de esta comunidad. La he llamado pollo ñomi ñomi, porque así le dice mi pequeña sobrina a la comida que más le gusta y este es un plato de sus preferidos.

Hello to all lovers of the culinary arts! Today I want to share a delicious recipe with the beautiful people of this community. I have called it Chicken yummy yummy, because that's what my little niece calls the food she likes the most and this is one of her favorite dishes.




300 gramos de pollo
1 rama de cebollín
1 cebolla de cabeza cilantro
1 zanahoria
5 papas pequeñas
1 mazorca o choclo
1/2 pimentón
Sal, curcuma, onoto


300 grams of chicken
1 branch of chives
1 head onion coriander
1 carrot
5 small potatoes
1 ear of corn or corn on the cob
1/2 paprika
Salt, curcuma, onoto


-Primero se corta en cuadros pequeños el pollo, se desgrana la mazorca, se ralla la zanahoria o se corta en cuadritos pequeños,se cortan todos los vegetales al gusto de cada quien.

-First the chicken is cut into small squares, the corncob is shelled, the carrot is grated or cut into small squares, and all the vegetables are cut according to each person's taste.


-Cuando ya tenemos todo cortado en cuadritos, se coloca en un sartén se condimenta a gusto de cada quien y se coloca al fuego y se deja cocinar por 15 minutos.

-When everything is cut into squares, it is placed in a frying pan and seasoned according to each person's taste and placed on the fire and let it cook for 15 minutes.



-Se lavan, se pelan las papas y se cortan en trozos grandes. Se le colocan al pollo cuando ya se ha cocinado 15 minutos, esto para evitar que se destruyan las papas por tanta cocción. Se dejan cocinar las papas hasta que esten blandas, eso debe ser en 10 minutos aproximadamente.

-Wash and peel the potatoes and cut them into large pieces. They are added to the chicken when it has already been cooked for 15 minutes, this to prevent the potatoes from being destroyed by so much cooking. Let the potatoes cook until they are soft, that should be in 10 minutes approximately.



-Se revuelve constantemente.

-Stirs constantly.



Servimos acompañado de arroz blanco.

Serve with white rice.



Me gusta servir platos sustanciosos para que mis comensales no se queden con ganas. Espero les guste este pollo ñomi ñomi y lo preparen en casa. Saludos!

I like to serve hearty dishes so that my guests are not left wanting more. I hope you like this Chicken yummy yummy and prepare it at home. Cheers!



Contenido original del autor.
Recursos: Canva || Samsung Galaxy J2 Smartphone
Traducido con Deepl.com
Separador y banner de Foodies Bee Hive
✿ Todos los Derechos Reservados || © @nellyhope// 2021 ✿
Original content by the author.
Resources: Canva || Samsung Galaxy J2 Smartphone
Translation done with Deepl.com
Separator and banner of Foodies Bee Hive
✿ All Rights Reserved || © @nellyhope // 2021 ✿
