There's many things to do at the new place. One of them that I had to do straight away was to sort out the spiral stairs which go up to "the tower". I cant bare to see untreated wood and on the list of things to get was used car oil.
Whilst getting some things down the road from the shops, I saw a mechanic with a big sign out the front saying "Oil Changes" and It reminded me to get some used oil. I went to ask him if he had any and sure enough he had some still warm from a car earlier in the day, and was well happy when I asked him for it. I know that they have to pay to get it dumped as it is oil, and that's why to reuse it as a varnish is really perfect for everyone.
I asked him to collect it and I would take it all because it is basically free paint for the outside of wooden buildings, something which the project shall have in the future.
The steps!
Nice little job to do and didn't take long at all. Yes they are new boxers being used as a rag, because when I first came to Mexico I had to buy clothes and underwear, and ended up buying Large boxers, which turned out to be a kids size Large.
There shall be more action soon!
Big love and Abundance, @movingman