Well I'm definitely not rich so today I'm going to have to pull savings. At least $1,000 will go to me and puppy dog and help us out in some pretty phenomenal ways.
I need to get enough funds to put the papers on the truck. And fix it up a little bit....
Sweet! I am finding out that it is a cool little truck! But definitely needs a lot of help.
And then I ended up getting really screwed over on this ounce of pot that I got. The weed store has went from having a great selection of good stuff too a massive selection of crap. Seriously $100 ounce and I'd rate this quality as being more like 20 bucks an ounce. Sigh.
Stuck.with crap weed.
So yeah that'll be another thing that I'm going to have to deal with. I'm going to have to get a different ounce of weed.
Although I did get a little cartridge and we will see how that works out.
Today? Great day. Just going to let things run it's course.
Oh on the business side... Had a great conversation with a friend. Better still is some big advancements of the blockchain are getting done. No more this garbage text only crap.
Well a lot of my rants once again are getting written down. Yep all these different ideas when I'm ranting. Potential that this blockchain could be if I was a developer. Seriously if I knew how to code... Oh wait I got a friend....
So what happened if I ended up getting everything I wanted? An actual stable blockchain user interface...
And all sorts of functional stuff along with it? As well as guided walkthroughs? Imagine having a artificial intelligence capability to instruct you and how to use whatever tool you need? Ohhhhh....
That definitely sounds like it absolutely could be the future!
I don't know. Should I go suck up to a group that can't even produce a quality product? Or go hang out with some group that respects my words. One that asks questions and takes notes. One that wants to talk with me again here soon...
Until then I've got homework that I'm working on accomplishing. What kind of digital tools and capabilities would really change my user experience online with blockchain....
Oh yeah I'm definitely not going to write it all down here. In fact I'm going to keep all this really quiet for the upcoming meeting and a few select friends will be asked if they want to tender any ideas or thoughts along with me.
But second layer token and Diesel pools were all my ideas so. What happens when I get a friend that is a developer? Oh ....
Maybe some really good stuff.
You never know. Opportunity could come about and change my entire existence.
Cheers and here's to an amazing time.
And with that I think I'm going to toast with a bottle of water!
Thank you guys have a nice day and I'm going to go watch TV!