Wanna know the most challenging thing about running a challenge? It’s being disciplined to join in and lead by example.
Yea, it’s always easy for me to present a challenge to the community. I then try to visit as many of your posts as I can and comment on them. All the while keeping track of participation and the entries coming in.
The hard part is when it comes time for me to take on the challenge.
Speaking for the WIPs is one thing but actually taking the time to get the work done is another.
As I sat on my bed this weekend staring at this eggpron I thought about all of your entries and how much you’ve been pushing to get your projects done. I thought about my words to you on how we are in this together and that we can accomplish our goals. This is what truly gave me the push to get going.
I don’t want to just say I’m going to something and then come up with an excuse of why it didn’t get done. I actually want to push myself just like you all have. 😊
My husband walks in the room and sees this look of despair on my face and says
Do you regret starting this challenge?
I said
No, this challenge is what brought me here to this moment but I do regret letting this project sit for so long.
I remember making mental notes while working on the first eggpron. There were things I did differently from the pattern that would have been good for me to know this time around. Of course I didn’t write them down but I hope those things come back to me while I’m working.
This was one of the main reasons I stared at the project for so long. I had to find a way to jump back in and remember where I left off. It’s always hard getting that momentum going again.
So there you have it folks. Please don’t think because I present the challenges that I don’t have my struggles too. Thank you for the motivation you gave me to get to work. 😉
The first step I had to do was mark the places for each row of pockets.
I took two bobby pins for each row and used them to mark the bottom of each end. I kept placing each row onto the eggpron to make sure my spacing was right.
I circled the end corners where I placed them above the bobby pins so you can see.
Afterwards, I sewed in the ends of the middle row before I went further. You know how we love those yarn ends, right @neumannsalva 😜😄?! No but seriously I like getting that out of the way as much as possible so I won’t have tons to do at the end.
Next part is whip stitching the bottom row of pockets on. I started at the bottom and will work my way across and then up to the sides. The key is to do so only at the top of the stitches so the yellow yarn won’t show up at the back of the eggpron.
I have quite a bit a ways to go across. I remember this was one of the reasons I dreaded continuing this project because it took forever to get these pockets sewn in 😫. No worries though, I am in this to finish! 💪🏽😃
Once I get the bottom and sides sewn on I’ll be making the egg compartments. Hopefully by next week I’ll have some photos of that to share and then I would have moved on to the second row. It’s always good to state our goals to give us something to work towards. ☺️
There is one more thing that’s motivating me to get this done and that’s my middle son. It’s his turn for a crocheted toy and he is waiting patiently for me to complete this. Remember the 3-headed dragon he wanted? Well he ended up asking me to make two ninjas for him to play with…I like that request much better. 😅
Let’s see what everyone did this week! I look forward to your progress reports. It has been very encouraging seeing how well you all are doing with finishing your WIPs.
Keep it up team! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽