About a month ago
I came across these “eco-bags” at a new kind of store that seems to be popping up all over the area of Japan that I live. These stores offer nice, stylish products for 300, 500, 800, and sometimes 1,000 yen. They seem to be occupying a space in the market between the 100 yen stores and larger interior chain stores like Nitori.
I liked the way these bags were designed to fold up and how the portion that the bag collapses into forms a long pocket down the middle. This area of the pocket seemed like the perfect place to add a stencil and make an eco-bag of my own design.
The final product
After a few weeks of cutting and trying stencils, I’ve settled on this design, two variations of the saying, You can have anything, but not everything.
I think it’s a great message to apply to all facets of your life, but it also seems like the perfect reminder for when you’re out shopping and feel the urge to impulse buy.