This month I finally bought an iPad, which my daughter and I wanted for long to draw. We didn't have much time to practice drawing on it but we had plenty of time at an art fair as an exhibitor. The time there was mainly waiting for visitors who look curious to art works in our booth. In between talking to visitors, we drew drew and drew tomatoes (me) and monsters (my daughter).
I was looking forward to be back at home to tokenize them on @nftshowroom . The first one I tokenized is Wild Micro Tomatoes. Not only I enjoyed drawing but also writing this and that about micro tomatoes.
Micro Wild Tomatoes - NFT Showroom
The proceeds from NFT sales will be used to do something good for/with plants such as planting traditional varieties, supporting community gardens and so on.
I used to use Bing Image Creator to generate vegetable images but I got to know I cannot use it for commercial use. And none of AIs didn't describe the mini mini micro size of wild micro tomatoes well. So I drew it by myself 😉 I don't know why but Bing Image Creator wasn't good at drawing certaub veggies for example asparagus.
Anyway, I'm really excited to be able to resume "We Love Tomatoes" NFT series.
Have a nice week to all!
@nftshowroom でトマトをトークナイズするのを楽しみに帰ってきて、まずはトマトの原種ともいわれている南米のワイルドマイクロトマトのNFTを作りました。
Micro Wild Tomatoes - NFT Showroom
以前はBing Image Creatorを使って野菜の画像を生成していたのですが、商用利用ができないことを知り、あと、いろいろAIを試しても、ワイルドマイクロトマトのミニミニなマイクロサイズをうまく表現できないんですよね。私のプロンプトが下手くそなのもあるかもしれませんが、それなら自分で描いてしまえと(時代に逆行 www)😉 理由はわからないのですが、春に日々AI野菜を生成していたとき、Bing Image Creatorは特定の野菜、例えばアスパラガスなどが苦手・・・なんていうのもあったんですよね。
ともあれ、「We Love Tomatoes」NFTシリーズを再開できてとてもうれしいです。もうちょいAIとコラボする方向性も模索しつつ、トマトを描きまくります。子供が山のように描いたモンスターたちも @monster.factory に近々載せます。