Putting up the Kestrel house

in #project11 months ago

I did not have a lot of luck with attracting predatory birds where I lived previously. But in my new home I have spotted a mating pair of Krestels, so I think I have a better chance at attracting them here in this more rural landscape. I have seen two hanging out on some power lines, so we picked a spot near by to put up a post and attach the Kestel house I brought with me from my previous home.

Krestels are the smallest of prey birds, so their homes can be pretty small compared to hawks and such. They are excellent at keeping the rodent population down and will even go after other birds. I think that is a good thing to have, as the birds can feed on my fruits and veggies along with seeds I put down in the fields.

We cemented a 6x6 pole like I did with the previous project of the hawk platform. But this time it is not as tall, because I can use the metal pole to get it up really high once installed. We raise it by hand and then by tightening the bolts of the clamps its held into place.

My foreman firing up the chainsaw its time to cut the 6x6 post. We could use the sawzall but the chainsaw makes quicker work of it.

Using a ladder my foreman climbs up and makes the cut about eight feet up. Got a picture right as he cut through it... timber!

With the post cut to size, as far as we can comfortably raise the Kestrel house.

Using clamps its held in place in two spots. The placement of the bird house is overlooking a large field, and the back of the house is forest.

We had to notch out the 6x6 to fit these smaller clamps, but in the end we got them to fit.

With it up high its ready to attract some birds next spring, right now its the winter and they should already have homes. But when the spring comes around next year they may look for new homes and I hope they like the one I built for them.

Hopefully the notches do not put too much pressure on the post. Otherwise I may need to put up another one and use much longer brackets. These were 6 or 7 inches so it would seem a much larger one is needed if I want to use the whole 6x6 post.

With it up we now leave it be and hope for the best. My foreman took a picture of me next to it. The gnats were really bad the day we put it up so I am wearing my mosquito netting, it helps a lot to keep them at bay. I have tried wearing safety glasses but those damn gnats still get under and sometimes end up in my eyes. So finding a solution to them is quite nice even if it requires me to put a net bag over my head... lol


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extraordinary activity. everyone's enthusiasm for the friends there..

Thanks bud its lots of fun

You're welcome. May we all always have fun..

The photos and the world of birds are very interesting, I would like to learn a little more about it, it is interesting how they built a pole to attract the breeding birds. but then you collect birds friend?

Yeah the world of birds is quite interesting, I think having predatory birds living on the farm would benefit me. As long as I keep them far away from the ducks and chickens I may have.

They would live in the house, and just use the area as their territory.

How good is that, friend, and how would predatory birds benefit you on your farm?

They go after rodents and small birds that feed on my fruits and vegetables.

Oh, I understood, well, great, then friend, I hope you can achieve this so that rodents and insects no longer eat fruits and vegetables. How interesting that is and how the food chain plays a fundamental role in everything in life.

You have got a beautiful home for the birds. I am sure they are going to like it once they see it.

I think they will like it as well, its close to where I saw them so hopefully they will notice.

Nice work, I hope you show us then pics in Spring with (hopefully) birds having setlled in 😄

Thank you, yep I sure will.

Mosquitoes make people find all kinds of solutions, man. I don't know how we still don't have a medicine that gives 100% protection from them. The stuff they sell in the markets is definitely not enough.

I hope that next spring this nest will be a home for a kestrel alesi and all your hard work will be worth it!

Yeah man mosquitoes are awful too, I tend to wear long sleeving and pants to keep them at bay.

Me too, will make an update post if anything moves into the home.

"Skin So Soft"

I shit you not.

It Really Works.!

It works and smells good too. Does not stand up to sweat so many applications are needed. But it smells Sooooo good.

If someone tells you you smell like a pretty girl... Tell em yes. Yes I do. A gnat/skeeter free girl. LoL

Good luck attracting the right type of birds.
Thanks for explaining why you had a net on your head. I do not think that would work here, we have sandflies that can go through the window screen and they bite.

Ah thanks much, yeah we shall see how it works.

No problem, hmm not sure.. You can buy a pair on amazon and try them out and see if it works for you.

The post was great mate, the birds in the morning are very relaxing because the singing makes us immerse ourselves in the environment and we fall asleep of how quiet it is the place, if those birds are there, it means that the place is very quiet.

We have lots of birds, they are a lot of fun to watch. So it will be interesting to see what happens when the Kestrels move in.

I hope you have a lot of success with this birdhouse and that your fruit production is sheltered.

Thank you dear @solominer for sharing these practical ideas!

With warm and affectionate regards!

Thanks very much.

I appreciate the consideration for the local wildlife and the steps you've taken to create a positive environment. Your dedication to these projects showcases a commitment to sustainable and harmonious living with nature. I hope the kestrels find your nesting box inviting, and you get to witness their presence and activities in the coming spring.

Thanks, hopefully it will indeed attract lots of wild life. The long term plan is to be as sustainable as possible.

Looking forward to next spring for sure.

Looks like a huge lands

Sure is, lots of land.

You should walk into the street at night with that outfit and scare the bejesus out of someone 😄 (JK).

Are you into birdwatching? is that how your spotted the Krestels? or just luck?

Hehe yeah that would be quite creepy.

I guess a little bit, enough to know its a Kestrel. Yeah its been hanging out in my fields for the last few months.

Fingers crossed that after all that effort you put in they move into their new home! That would be quite exciting to see!

Asking for your vote on the new Ecency proposal so that Ecency development can continue! ❤️

Thanks a lot, hopefully they will like it..

OK I will take a look when I have time.