DIY Eco-Bag

in #hivediy2 years ago


About a month ago

I came across these “eco-bags” at a new kind of store that seems to be popping up all over the area of Japan that I live. These stores offer nice, stylish products for 300, 500, 800, and sometimes 1,000 yen. They seem to be occupying a space in the market between the 100 yen stores and larger interior chain stores like Nitori.

I liked the way these bags were designed to fold up and how the portion that the bag collapses into forms a long pocket down the middle. This area of the pocket seemed like the perfect place to add a stencil and make an eco-bag of my own design.


The final product

After a few weeks of cutting and trying stencils, I’ve settled on this design, two variations of the saying, You can have anything, but not everything.

I think it’s a great message to apply to all facets of your life, but it also seems like the perfect reminder for when you’re out shopping and feel the urge to impulse buy.


What do you think? Leave a message in the comments.


I'm not good at design, but I like the message and the idea behind it.

I need to use my ecobags more. But I also repurpose the plastic bags I get from the konbini to pick up random litter I see outside, so I do give them some use instead of just throwing them away.

We have a system for repurposed bags that I’m always getting confused about. Different stores have different sizes plastic shopping bags, and even different quality bags too, so my wife uses certain ones to line the garbage bins in the house with, others to use as eco-bags, still others to replace the garbage bags you’re supposed to by for throwing out plastic garbage, etc.

I’ve gotten into the habit of keeping two or three plastic bags folded up and wrapped with a rubber band in my pocket, but I’m going to give this eco bag a try now.

I like it! The sentence makes me think.

Lovely. The message is appropriate for shopping.
I often forget to bring my eco-bag, but I realized it's because I'm not attached to any eco-bag. DYI is a great idea✨

Actually, I’ve only just recently gotten into the habit of keeping three folded plastic bags in my coat pocket, but now that I’ve got this bag, I’ll use it instead.

DIY is fun. I’ve gotten really into stenciling my own clothes and cushion covers, etc. recently.

That bag does look pretty cool and convenient. We used to love shopping in the 100 yen stores.

As you may have heard, here in the US the Dollar Store is now $1.25, and they have sections in the store where prices are higher.

Our equivalent of the 500 yen store is Five Below. Recently we shopped in a store called Pop Socket that had a pretty wide selection of discount goods.

The 100¥ shops have also been slowly increasing for awhile. The number of ¥200 and ¥300 items at Daiso is ever going up.

Seems like rising prices is a worldwide phenomenon.


I hadn’t heard that about the dollar store, but it definitely makes sense. I was in the States last summer, and I went shopping at a dollar store, but I don’t remember noticing the prices. Most likely I was spacing out while my wife was fretting over which omiyage to buy and how many of them. 🤣