Continueing from my previous blog on Jansen's homeschooling journey here, I shall continue my second post on it. This time, it was on days we did learning with colours or hands-on activity or just play. Usually, on days like this, Jansen was the happiest. Jansen was still young, about 6 years old but with physical stature of a 4yo, he couldn't manoeuvre pencil that well yet.
Let's see what we had here.
1. Palm Coloring and Printing Art
I remembered he really enjoyed this activity the most. Till the extend he wanted to wash off and repeat several times. Even asked for a bigger manila card so that he could palm print more. I also remembered my dining table was a mess of beautiful colours. And it was okay to be messy. Messy was part of the play.
By the end of this activity, Jansen's face had some colours too, and to add more colours the print his colourful palm on his cheek. Oh photo taken though. I must be busy clearing up after that, preparing the table for lunch. We used the same table for different purpose because our house is not so spacious for a specific segment for homeschooling.
2. Follow and Colour
Sometimes I was out of idea and I just simply created any, any item I had at home and came out with some activity. The eldest son was playing his rubic cube and Jansen said the colour of the rubic cube was nice. Then the AHA moment came. Let's colour accordingly. I let Jansen messed up the rubic cube and draw 3x3 squares on paper and Jansen supposed to color accordingly.
It was a calm moment for him whenever it came to coloring, be it using crayon, or water colour or pencil colour or markers. That time, his fingers grip on markers were the best so he chose markers for this activity.
Supposed to mess up the rubic cube the second time, but he insisted to colour the same. I let him.
3. Cutting Paper then Weaving Craft
I remembered I did this at school when I was young and really loved it, so I let Jansen try. Just a simple one, nothing fancy. Firstly, I let him be the one who cut out the strips of paper. He chose blue, his favourite.
Then, to guide him the method of weaving. It wasn't a successful one. So I realised it was too early to let him try. He got frustrated halfway actually. And needed some comfort. Because he thought he could do it. But it wasn't as easy as he thought so.
After awhile, he kind of enjoyed it too.
It was not the perfect weave because the strips of paper was cut by Jansen, not straight. Well, homeschooling ideas, anything goes. Haha.
4. Toy Play
On days we were not up to it for any activity, it was freedom meaning you boys did whatever you want. They love to dig this box at their shelf. Inside were kitchen toys, dinosaurs figurines, and some cars. It was their whatever-just-keep-there kind of box. Haha.
Usually, I would quickly finish my housechores when they boys got to play by themselves happily and not fussing about each other.
That's about it — my blog on various activities we did for homeschooling. There were wayyyy more than what I could blog here. I just couldn't take photos of them every single time we did homeschooling. Many times, I just put my phone aside and focused on it, totally not aware of taking photos of Jansen while on some activities. I hope there is another part of this blog soon.