Buying paint and other materials to paint the windows of my mother's house (ENG-ESP)

in #hive-196308last year


I hope you are all having a great summer.

As I travel all year round for work, I always enjoy the weeks off in August with the family at the beach or barbecues.

However, it is also a very good time to do some maintenance on my mother's house, especially on the wooden windows, as the bad weather can cause the paint to deteriorate and the windows to be damaged and therefore need to be replaced.

So, before I went to the shop to buy the paint, I checked what I had at home, and in particular, I still had a paintbrush in good condition and a paint roller.

So the list of materials I needed was simple:

Pearl grey synthetic enamel
Paint thinner
Replacement parts for the roller
Paper tape
Fine sandpaper

The world of the painter in Navia

Having made my list, I went to a new shop in the nearby town of Navia called The world of the painter.

Inside, as you can see, there is a great variety of painting tools, divided into several shelves, and at the entrance you can find the most representative of painters, the paintbrushes.

Next to the brushes are the palette knives, paper tapes and rollers.

And in another part of the shop are the paints, varnishes and solvents.

However, I could not find the spare parts for my roller and sandpaper until I approached the cashier to ask for them, as the rollers were on a shelf under the counter and the sandpaper had to be supplied by them from their indoor warehouse.

When I got to the counter, I asked if they had the same brand of pearl grey synthetic enamel that I had at home, and they told me that they did not work with that brand, so all I could buy in this shop was the material, but without the paint, at a very good price for the material, as it only cost me 11.75 euros.

Asturian Hardware Store

With the disappointment of not being able to get the specific synthetic enamel I needed, I decided to go to a small hardware store that I have closer to home, but that usually has less competitive prices.

Once there, I asked for the specific synthetic enamel I needed, and they gave me a price of 19.70 euros for a 700 ml pot, which seemed a bit exaggerated at first, as I had seen a price of 12 euros on Amazon, so I initially did not buy the enamel until I checked the price again on Amazon.

Then, when I checked the price on Amazon, I realised that the €12 price was for a 125ml pot, so I didn't hesitate to go back to the shop and buy the two pots of enamel I needed.


Once I had all the materials, I started using them to paint the windows and you will see the usefulness of each thing I bought.


Sandpaper is essential to remove bad paint and to ensure that the new coat of paint adheres well to the surface.

Paper Tape

Paper tape is essential for me to place on the windows and avoid accidentally painting the glass.


Essential to clean the material and also in my case I add a little to the enamel so that it is less thick and slides better with the roller and brush and also I get a faster drying of the paint.

Roller refills

With continued use, the roller is affected and begins to release some of its material, which remains on the applied paint and must be replaced from time to time.

Synthetic enamel

Specially formulated to give a long lasting effect on a surface such as wood.

I hope you enjoyed my contribution to today's #Marketfriday.

Happy Friday.


Espero que estén pasando todos un muy buen verano.

Debido a que me paso todo el año viajando por motivos laborales en las semanas de vacaciones que tengo en el mes de agosto siempre me gusta disfrutar con la familia en la playa o haciendo barbacoas.

Sin embargo, también es un muy buen momento para hacer mantenimiento de la casa de mi madre y en concreto de las ventanas de madera, ya que debido a las inclemencias del tiempo la pintura se deteriora pudiendo dañarse la ventana y provocando con ello la necesidad de sustituirla.

Por tanto, en primer lugar, antes de irme a la tienda a comprar, hice un repaso del material de pintura que tenía en casa y en concreto tenía aún una brocha en buen estado y también un rodillo de pintura.

Por lo que el listado del material que necesitaba era sencillo:

Esmalte sintético Gris Perla
Disolvente para pintura
Repuestos intercambiables para el rodillo
Cinta de papel
Lija de grano fino

El Mundo del Pintor de Navia

Una vez confeccionada la lista, me dirigí a una nueva tienda que hay en la cercana localidad de Navia llamada El Mundo del pintor.

En ella, como podéis ver, hay una gran diversidad de útiles para la pintura dividida en varias estanterías, encontrándose en la entrada lo más representativo de los pintores que son las brochas.

Muy cerca de las brochas se encuentran las espátulas, cintas de papel y rodillos.

Y en otra zona de la tienda se encuentran las pinturas, barnices y disolventes.

Sin embargo, no localizaba los repuestos para mi rodillo y la lija hasta que me acerque a la caja para preguntar por ellos, ya que los rodillos se encontraban en una estantería debajo del mostrador y la lija la tenían que proporcionar ellos desde su almacén interior.

Una vez en el mostrador, pregunte si tenían un esmalte sintético gris perla de la marca de la que tenía aun bote en casa y me indicaron que no trabajaban esa marca, por lo que en esta tienda solo pude hacer la compra de todo el material, pero sin la pintura por un precio muy bueno para este material porque solo me costó 11.75 euros.

Ferretería Asturiana

Con el chasco de no conseguir el esmalte sintético concreto que necesitaba, decidí ir a una pequeña tienda de ferretería que tengo más cerca de casa, pero que suele tener unos precios menos competitivos.

Una vez allí, pregunte por el esmalte sintético concreto que necesitaba y me dieron un precio de 19.70 euros por cada bote de 700 mL, lo cual me parecía de inicio un poco exagerado, ya que había visto en Amazon un precio de 12 euros por lo que inicialmente no hice la compra del esmalte hasta volver a comprobar el precio en Amazon.

Fue entonces, cuando revisando el precio en Amazon me di cuenta de que el precio de 12 euros era para un bote de 125mL por lo que no dude en regresar a la tienda y comprarme los dos botes de pintura que necesitaba.


Una vez tenía todo el material empecé a emplear todo este material para pintar las ventanas y verán la utilidad de cada cosa que había comprado.


La lija es imprescindible para quitar pintura en mal estado y conseguir que la nueva capa de pintura quede bien adherida sobre la superficie.

Cinta de papel

La cinta adhesiva de papel para mí es imprescindible para colocarla sobre los cristales y evitar pintar el cristal sin querer.


Imprescindible para limpiar el material y también en mi caso añado un poco sobre el esmalte para que este sea menos espesos y se deslice mejor con el rodillo y la brocha y también conseguiré un secado más rápido de la pintura.

Repuestos de Rodillo

Con el uso continuado el rodillo se ve afecto y empieza a liberar parte de su material que queda sobre la pintura aplicada y hay que sustituirlo cada cierto tiempo.

Esmalte sintético

Especial para conseguir un efecto duradero sobre una superficie como es la madera.

Espero que les haya gustado mi contribución al #Marketfriday de hoy.

Feliz viernes.

Own photograph taken with my iPhone SE.

Cover, separators and banner created with (free version).

This post is my participation in the #MarketFriday.

Translated with (free version).


I better stay away from the solvent... When I was a child I poured it into my eyes, it was in a glass bottle and I wanted to see what was inside 😑

Hive on beach, haha, cool 👌

What a bad situation with solvent.

It irritates my skin so much that it must be horrible in your eyes.

On the beach while my cousin was making sandcastles I decided to immortalise Hive on the beach.

Happy Weekend.


We used to write Hive in the sand, but with sandcastles is even better :)))

It irritates my skin so much that it must be horrible in your eyes.

Well, my parents took me very quickly to the hospital to wash it out, so all finished well, but yeah, we still mention it when talking about my childhood with other little accidents and mischiefs :D


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@castri-ja(1/5) tipped @mipiano

Well done 😃



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Thanks and have a great weekend. 😃


Let's see if I write the street art post again at the weekend or next week.

Best regards


Hey @digi-me, here is a little bit of BEER from @castri-ja for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 166 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @castri-ja, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Great job painting the window a beautiful color. Thank you.

Thanks for your comment

Thank you're welcome. Happy day.

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Wow, you did a great job there. Making those windows come back to life again and for the barbecues, they are inviting.
