Honey day

in #hive-1935527 months ago

Everyone loves honey and especially my family loves it a lot.

We have a neighbor who is a beekeeper and has a lot of bees, and he recently offered to give me a honeycomb and try to extract the honey myself.

With great pleasure I agreed, following the instructions: I took out the pita and put it in a water bath. When the honey melted, I poured it into a jar, and the wax that separated on the surface I also melted and purified through cheesecloth. So I took out a jar and a half of honey and separately took out wax.

It was a nice activity, but the hardest part was washing the dishes. Fortunately, I was able to cope with cleaning them with warm water.

Now we eat the delicious honey, and for me it is even more delicious because I participated in extracting it.

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