Esp/Eng Cute card with secret messages for Dad!

in #hive-1896414 months ago



Feliz dia a todos los padres que hacen vida en esta hermosa comunidad, que esta semana que esta por comenzar venga cagada de grandes bendiciones para cada uno de ustedes y los suyos!

Siempre que se celebra un dia especial en las escuelas asignan a nuestros pequeños realizar actividades alusivas a esa fecha; en esta oportunidad, le asignaron a mi pequeño elaborar una manualidad para regalar a papa en su dia; asi que, comenzamos a buscar opciones, de algo sencillo para elaborar porque debian realizarla los niños con supervision de los padres, y, encontramos un tutorial sobre la elaboracion de una tarjeta con mensajes ocultos, y, decidimos hacerla, compramos los materiales, y nos pusimos manos a la obra.

La tarjeta quedo con algunos detalles, pero mi hijo quedo muy satisfecho, y, hoy se la entregó a su papa, quien estuvo muy feliz con los mensajes que su hijo le escribió!

Veamos el paso a paso:


Happy day to all the fathers that make life in this beautiful community, may this week that is about to begin come full of great blessings for each one of you and yours!

Whenever a special day is celebrated in schools, our little ones are always assigned to do activities related to that date; this time, my little one was assigned to make a craft to give to dad on his day; so, we started to look for options, something simple to make because it should be done by the children with parental supervision, and we found a tutorial on how to make a card with hidden messages, and we decided to do it, we bought the materials, and we got down to work.

The card was left with some details, but my son was very satisfied, and today he gave it to his dad, who was very happy with the messages that his son wrote!

Let's see the step by step:



Hojas blancas y de colores


White and colored sheets



Cortamos el papel amarillo en un cuadrado de 20cm x 20cm, el cual doblamos uniendo dos esquinas, desdoblamos, y unimos las otras dos, y desdoblamos.

Luego doblamos por la mitad, notando que quedan las marcas de los dobleces anteriores, los cuales doblamos hacia adentro.


We cut the yellow paper into a square of 20cm x 20cm, which we folded joining two corners, unfolded, and joined the other two, and unfolded.

Then fold in half, noting that the marks of the previous folds remain, which we fold inwards.




Marcamos la forma de un corazón y recortamos, resultando una especie de trébol de corazones.

We mark the shape of a heart and cut it out, resulting in a kind of heart trefoil.




Recortamos cuatros corazones en hoja blanca, y los pegamos en el trebol de corazones, luego escribimos mensajes hermosos para papa.

We cut out four hearts on a white sheet of paper, and glued them on the heart tree, then wrote beautiful messages for dad.



Para la parte del frente de la tarjeta, corte otro corazon amarillo, en cual hice un corte en el centro, y luego doble a cada lado para hacer el traje.

Luego lo pegue a un corazón blanco, y coloque un lazo y botones, y, la pegue en el trébol de corazones por el lado de afuera en lo que seria el frente de la tarjeta.

For the front of the card, I cut another yellow heart, cut a slit in the center, and then folded each side to make the suit.

I then glued it to a white heart, and attached a ribbon and buttons, and glued it to the heart trefoil on the outside of what would be the front of the card.



Forramos un palillo con papel amarillo y lo pegamos en la parte de atrás.

Line a toothpick with yellow paper and glue it on the back.


Asi, quedo lista la hermosa tarjeta con mensajes sorpresas para papa!

So, here is the beautiful card with surprise messages for dad!



Gracias por visitar mi post!

Espero haya sido de tu agrado!

Dios te bendiga!

Thanks for visiting my post!

I hope you enjoyed it!

God bless you!


Translated with
      Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas con mi teléfono ZTE.                                                       

   All images are my own, captured with my ZTE phone.

Such a nice and thoughtful gift for Dad. A great way to teach the young ones about love and family.

Thank you for your kind comment of support!

Values that should be taught from childhood 🙏

Greetings and blessings 🙏

Such a pretty card and I know Dad is going to love it alot, kudos. 👍

Thank you friend, for your comment!

I did, dad really liked it 🤗

Greetings 🙏


Beautiful creativity, I love how simple and meaningful it turned out to be, that's so nice.

Thank you beautiful friend for such a kind comment 😊.

I'm glad you liked it!

Regards 🙏

This one is looking hreat. My friemd also gift me like this.....


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