"Mom, let's make a dwarf!" - my boy said when he saw handmade sewing sets in the marketplace.
I like when he has cool handmade ideas, so I always support him.
He bought the set for making a dwarf for 7$.
There we had some pieces of cloth, an instruction and patterns.
I have never sewed anything using pattern, and I amn't good in sewing in general, so I was confused a little bit;)
But of course I didn't show it and said that we would do it easily and fast by all means;)
I had a goal to show my son that sewing and handmaking is great and interesting, and sewing is not complicated and boring, so I tried my best to do it;) I gave him advice what to do and he followed it.
We needed 3 days for about 1 hour per day to make the dwarf, but it was really interesting and amazing, especially when we had the first good results;)
Now look at the steps of our job and result itself:
I am in love with his cooking hat;))
and the tray with fruits are so lovely and looking tasty;) we sticked there a real coffee bean as well;)
My son's dwarf is ready!
We both were happy that we could do it;)
It was our first sewing of such a level, and it's great we got good results!
and you know what???
now we're making a new handmade toy! again sewing;))
wait for my next sewing story;))