Chrysanthemum with Toilet Paper Rolls ǀ Crisantemos con Rollos de Papel Higiénico

in #hive-189641last month

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Happy week, DIYHub family! Warm greetings to all of you. Today I want to share with you some blue Chrysanthemums, made with recycled material, in this case with cardboard from toilet paper rolls. Let's take a look at the materials and the step by step.

¡Feliz semana, familia de DIYHub! Un saludo caluroso para todos. Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes unos Crisantemos azules, realizados con material reciclado, en este caso con cartón de rollos de papel higiénico. Vamos a ver los materiales y el paso a paso.

We will need / Vamos a necesitar:

  • Toilet paper rolls / Rollos de papel Higiénico
  • Blue paint and brush / Pintura azul y pincel
  • Liquid silicon, white glue and scissors / Silicón líquido, pega blanca y tijeras
  • Skewered sticks / Palitos para pinchos

We start by cutting the roll in half, fold and cut again until we get two equal pieces.

Iniciamos cortando el rollo a la mitad, doblamos y cortamos nuevamente hasta conseguir dos piezas iguales.

We take a circular container with the right size circumference, mark it on the cardboard, and then cut it out.

Tomamos un envase circular con la circunferencia del tamaño adecuado, marcamos sobre el cartón, y luego recortamos.

We make transverse marks as shown in the image.

Hacemos marcas trasversales como se ve en la imagen.

We make cuts along the marked lines without reaching the centre of the piece.

Hacemos cortes en las líneas marcadas sin llegar al centro de la pieza.

Then we cut the edges to make points, as shown in the picture.

Luego cortamos los bordes de modo de hacer puntas, como se aprecia en la imagen.

Then we fold each petal upwards. We will need 5 pieces like these.

Posteriormente, doblamos cada pétalo hacia arriba. Vamos a necesitar 5 piezas como estas.

We proceed to paint all the pieces blue. We will need two coats of paint for a better coverage.

Procedemos a pintar todas las piezas de color azul. Necesitaremos dar dos manos de pintura para una mejor cobertura.

Once our 5 pieces are ready, we will make a hole in the centre. We will use a skewer stick, which in turn will serve as the branch of the flower.

Una vez listas nuestras 5 piezas, vamos a hacer un agujero en el centro. Utilizaremos un palito para pinchos, que a su vez servirá como la rama de la flor.

We superimpose one piece on top of the other, gluing with liquid silicone.

Vamos superponiendo una pieza sobre la otra, pegando con silicón líquido.

I put some leaves made with bond paper painted with green marker.

Le coloqué unas hojas hechas con papel bond pintado con marcador verde.

The only thing left to do is to varnish with homemade varnish made with equal parts of white glue and water to achieve a slight shine and greater firmness.

Solo resta barnizar con barniz casero hecho con partes iguales de pega blanca y agua para lograr un leve brillo y mayor firmeza.

I also placed a decorative bead in the centre to hide the tip of the stick.

También le coloqué una cuenta decorativa en el centro para disimular la punta del palito.

This is how our blue chrysanthemums look like, a beautiful ornament made with very few materials. I hope you liked this idea with recycled materials, thank you for your visit!

Así quedan nuestros crisantemos azules, un bonito adorno hecho con muy pocos materiales. Espero que les haya gustado esta idea con materiales reciclados. ¡Gracias por su visita!

Video music background “Awakening” from Movavi's free library / Fondo musical del vídeo de la biblioteca gratuita de Movavi

Videos and photos taken with my Redmi Note 10 5G / Videos y fotos tomadas con mi Redmi Note 10 5G

Translation: Deepl

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Who would have thought that a toilet paper could be turned to something this beautiful?? Truly nothing is useless in life. Good job!

Yes, it's amazing how many great things we can do with recycled materials.
I'm glad you guys liked it.

You can really make beauties with your hands, it is really beautiful what you have done with just a toilet paper roll, some paint and a lot of imagination. It looks fantastic.

Thanks so much for your kind words. I really like crafts, I'm not an expert but I do enjoy these works.

muy bonito e ingenioso, con algo que se puede tener en cualquier momento, genial!

very nice and ingenious, with something you can have at any time, great!

Así es, esta manualidad tiene materiales sencillos y faciles de conseguir y usar.
Me alegra que te haya gustado. Gracias.

That's so, this craft has simple materials easy to find and use. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks.