Ornament with Skewer Sticks ǀ Adorno con Palitos de Pinchos

in #hive-18964114 days ago

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Greetings, DIYHub friends! On this occasion I want to share with you a beautiful craft with recycled materials. It is an Ornament with Skewer sticks. Let's see the materials and the step by step.

¡Saludos, amigos de DIYHub! En esta ocasión quiero compartir con ustedes una bonita manualidad con materiales reciclados. Se trata de un Adorno con Palitos de Pinchos. Veamos los materiales y el paso a paso.

We will need / Vamos a necesitar:

  • Skewer sticks / Palitos para pinchos
  • Colored cardboard / Cartulina de colores
  • Carton and Scissors / Cartón y Tijeras
  • Black paint and brush / Pintura Negra y pincel

We start by marking on a piece of cardboard a triangle of 15 cm on each side and cut it out.

Iniciamos marcando en un trozo de cartón un triángulo de 15 cm de cada lado y recortamos.

We are going to cover the cardboard triangle with the colored cardboard, in this case I chose a lilac color, gluing with liquid silicone or white glue. Set aside.

Vamos a cubrir el triángulo de cartón con la cartulina de colores, es este caso escogí una de color lila, pegando con silicón liquido o pega blanca. Reservamos.

We are going to take 3 whole wooden sticks and 3 pieces of 15 cm and paint them black. We give 2 coats if necessary.

Vamos a tomar 3 palitos de madera enteros y 3 trozos de 15 cm y los pintamos de color negro. Damos 2 capas si es necesario.

We proceed to glue the 15 cm sticks in the shape of a triangle, as shown in the image.

Procedemos a pegar en forma de triángulo los palitos de 15 cm, como vemos en la imagen.

We place this piece on the cardboard triangle we previously made and glue it.

Colocamos esta pieza sobre el triángulo de cartón que realizamos previamente y pegamos.

Now we glue the 3 long sticks, giving a pyramidal shape to the piece.

Ahora le pegamos los 3 palitos largos, dándole una forma piramidal a la pieza.

And so is our beautiful geometric ornament made with skewer sticks, to decorate any space of the home either by placing an artificial lamp or a small flower pot. I hope you liked this creation, see you next time!

Y así queda nuestro hermoso adorno con forma geométrica realizado con palitos de pinchos, para adornar cualquier espacio del hogar ya sea colocándole una lámpara artificial o un pequeño florero. Espero que les haya gustado esta creación. ¡Hasta la próxima!

Video music background “Luxury” from Movavi's free library / Fondo musical del vídeo de la biblioteca gratuita de Movavi

Videos and photos taken with my Redmi Note 10 5G / Videos y fotos tomadas con mi Redmi Note 10 5G

Translation: Deepl

▶️ 3Speak


The kind of craft that I love for its minimalist style, but that looks perfect in any area of the house, it is really beautiful.

El tipo de manualidad que me encanta por su estilo minimalista, pero que queda perfecta en cualquier área de la casa, la verdad es realmente hermosa.

That's right, it minimalist but beautiful at the same time. Thanks for passing by and appreciating.

Wow this is so beautiful and neat
Thanks for sharing this with us

Thank you for passing by!

Such a lovely piece of art, this is really creative of you and amazing as well. Wishing you all the best and success

Thanks so much for the support and the good wishes.

This looks really beautiful. Perfect for home decoration.

It looks like a creation that requires technicality and patience. Well done dear✨


It requires some patience but it's also fun and entertaining to make.
I'm glad you liked it. Many thanks.

The ornament is so beautiful , it elevated the room the moment you placed it properly. That’s one good thing about things you do yourself, it saves cost, it’s fun and it always comes out really nice.
I wish to try one of these someday.

Well, I love using recycled materials as much as I can. Thanks so much for taking the time to pass by my post.

@wongi just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your post dear @rosana6! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

Don't be shy - share some DIY!

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Thanks so much! I really appreciate it.

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Muchísimas gracias por el apoyo. 🤗

Of course we liked it... Definitely Maria and you are Hive heroes for me. This post is an example of quality, especially the video. The pictures convey a certain peace to me, as does your voice, and I think that's how much you enjoyed creating this ornament. It's a gift to the community, definitely... Thank you so much Rosana ❤️

Por supuesto que nos ha gustado... Definitivamente María y tu son héroes de Hive para mí. Este post es ejemplo de calidad, especialmente el video. Las fotografías me transmiten cierta paz, al igual que tu voz, y creo que es lo mucho que disfrutaste creando este adorno. Es un regalo para la comunidad, definitivamente... Muchas gracias Rosana ❤️

Hola Jesús! Me alegra que te haya gustado esta creación hecha con mucho cariño y algunos materiales reciclados. Trato de dar lo mejor de mí en cada manualidad, y cada día aprendo más cosas.
Gracias por el aprecio.

Hi Jesus! I'm glad you liked this creation made with a lot of love and some recycled materials. I try to do my best in every craft, and every day I learn more things.
Thanks for the appreciation.

Esta hermosa esta manualidad! me gusta porque es un adorno elegante para colocar en la sala o en una habitación

Así es, es sencillo y minimalista pero a la vez elegante. Gracias por la visita.

Wow. This is beautiful and creative.

We love the geometric design, and the detailed images/videos make it so easy to follow along.

We can see how much of a nice touch this will add to our homes.

Surely, we will pick this up and create our own special pieces. Well done and thanks for sharing.

I'm happy you guys liked it. It is a simple but very nice craft.
Thanks so much for the support.