Deck Finally Finished - plus birthday blueberry wine...

in #hive-1896415 days ago

There's nothing like a crisp Yarra Valley blueberry birthday wine to motivate you to finish a project, right?


My sister bought me this for my birthday after a trip away. It's perfect chilled in the sunshine - the wine chilled, us in the sun that is.

Especially admitting the new deck! Of course we had interruptions as Dad died but three weeks is not bad for someone to finish a deck on their own. In the end it cost $3k Australian which is - idk - a third of the price it'd cost someone to do it.


The stairs you see are temporary - Jamie will build a platform when he gets half a chance. But at least it'll be easier on my hips to jump down to pick some veggies and feed the chooks!


We are yet to pace over the rest of the slab it sits on but honestly it looks so much better. We have been wondering what to do for fifteen years so we are stoked to get it done. Ghost Dad loves it.


I can't believe it's finally done. If we had more money I'd put up a pergola as well but that's a step too far. There's plenty of other places to sit anyway. All we need to do now is oil it.

Oh, and do the fascia boards round the edge, but right now, we have some blueberry wine to finish...not a bad way to enjoy a birthday weekend.

The above song is one of my all time faves. I was just talking to Jamie about how the further you get from the 80s the better you remember it.

Or maybe that's the blueberry wine talking.

With Love,


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Happy Birthday and congrats on the deck. It’s beautiful. I’m sure Ghost Dad loves it and is very proud of you. ❤️

Aw thank you. I'm getting used to Ghost Dad. He's nice to have around, even if I can't have the old Dad here.

Awesome! Looks great! Do you want to pop up to Canberra and build ours?

For the right price! Mind you Jamie is fed up with screws! Poor guy has worn himself out.

Happy birthday! The deck looks great! Will stain be natural or darker?

It'll be an oil, so darker. Thankyou!

Couldn't resist. The wine looks delicious, and your deck also looks fancy af! Well done, you!

Haha there's been plenty of deck 🍆 jokes that's for sure!

Gosh, that is really looking beautiful! Well done job there. And yeah, chilling in the sun with some chilled wine on your birthday weekend doesn't sound all too bad. Congratulations!

Thanks lovely!!!! It's a worry as we don't have an income to replace the money we just spent but hey, something will come along.

Cheers! Happy Birthday! Your new deck looks great. 💙👏

. I was just talking to Jamie about how the further you get from the 80s the better you remember it.

I don't think it's the wine, but maybe it intensifies that feeling.

The deck looks great, congratulations 👏🥂

oh my gosh!!! blueberry wine? That must have tasted incredible!!

It wasn't bad! A bit sweet for me. Nice and cold though on a warm day..

aaaaaah I see. I had a feeling it was a sweet wine. But I'm sure it was lovely served ice cold, as you say :) Perhaps one could make an amazing sangria from it?

Congratulations on the deck. Happy birthday to you, may you live long. I am sure the blueberry wine will have a great taste of sweetness especially when it's chilled😁😁😁. Hope I am invited for the birthday celebration?

Ha of course, come right over!

😁😁right away.. send the location I will be right there.

What timing! You think Jamie had it planned? 😁🥳

Or maybe that's the blueberry wine talking.

The wine seems to be screaming in this case. 🫣

Oh man he's been working so hard! Last night on the couch he was wondering why he was so achy and tired. I reminded him a surf, building the deck, shovelling mulch and pulling an engine apart probably had nothing to do with it.

One of my boasts has long been of a record made by me which put into disrepute medical science and their limitations of one staying awake. It was in the snowy 80s of the last century when my record of staying awake for 8 days straight was made. Due to the physiology of snow one's short term memory gets overloaded. On the eighth day my short term memory stretched at best back to a couple of minutes previously. One arrived at an incredible point of the Oneness that some spiritualism speaks. The wild thing was that after finally crashing and sleeping for virtually 48 hours straight; upon awakening the whole 8 days could be remembered in chronological order.

But that is me digressing...

My point was meant to be that after these 30+ hour passages with Makina, once making port its been straight to the bunk for a good 12 hours. My guess is that youth played a factor back in my record breaking 80s, although the snowy weather probably factored as well. 🤔


I suggest to check this one out guys www.minepi/zdigital huge airdrops. It will go live early 2025.