Hi guys,
NerdMiner2 is a free and open source project that lets you try to achieve a bitcoin block with a small piece of hardware. The main goal of this project is to learn more about Bitcoin mining and have a nice piece of hardware on your desktop.
Today, BitMaker has released a new software version of it's Bitcoin solo miner NerdMiner2:
In my last post I described what you need to build your own NerdMiner2 for about 30 EUR:
Now let's try out the new software. At first, download the repository as ZIP file from Github:
After extracting the ZIP file, you can find the flash files in the directory NerdMiner_v2-master\bin:
- 0x0000_bootloader.bin
- 0x8000_partitions.bin
- (0x10000_firmware.bin) // thats the old version
- 0x10000_v1.5.1_beta_firmware.bin
- 0xe000_boot_app0.bin
Connect your NerdMiner2 via USB-C to your computer and start the EspTool with Google Chrome (not Firefox).
Select Baudrate 115200 and press connect:
EspTool connected to ESP32-S3
Now press "Add File" and select the software to flash from the directory NerdMiner_v2-master\bin. Enter the correct flash address for this file (same as filename). Repeat this for the four bin files. After adding all four bin files, press "Program". The EspTool now sends the files to the ESP32-S3. That's it.
Writing the flash files to the ESP32-S3
And really, the hashrate is a bit higher now and we have two additional status sceens. The main screen now has the CPU temperature and the current time in the upper right corner:
NerdMiner2: Main screen
By pressing the upper right button, you can switch between the three different screens of the NerdMiner2. The "Clock" screen displays the current UTC time, the hash rate, the current Bitcoin block and the Bitcoin price.
NerdMiner2: "ClockMiner" screen
The "GlobalStats" screen displays the current Bitcoin block, the number of blocks to the next Bitcoin halfing 😎, the UTC time, the Bitcoin price, the medium transaction fee, the difficulty and the global hashrate.
NerdMiner2: "GlobalStats" screen
Wow, these are some really cool new features. I love this little thing 😍
Prinz Valium II.