My entry to the Diyhub monthly contest "Magic". [En-Es] A classic trick

in #hive-18964112 days ago



Hello dear friends of @diyhub.

Hola queridos amigos de @diyhub.


To participate in the September contest, I knitted something representing the idea of ​​magic, trick or illusionism.

Para participar en el concurso de septiembre, tejí algo representando la idea de magia, truco o ilusionismo.


Since I was little I have seen in cartoons and movies some characters dressed in elegant suits who make things appear from the bottom of their hats.

Desde pequeña he visto en caricaturas y películas a algunos personajes vestidos de traje elegante que hacen aparecer cosas del fondo de sus sombreros.


By lightly tapping with their wand and saying certain words, they often produced white rabbits as well.

Dando ligeros toques con su varita y diciendo ciertas palabras, ellos solian sacar también conejos blancos.

I'm referring to a classic trick that almost all of us have seen.

Me refiero a un clásico truco que casi todos hemos visto.


Black knitting yarn
White knitting yarn
Fuchsia yarn
Crochet hook number 0
Blunt tip needle
Scissors ✂️
Row marker

Hilo de tejer negro
Hilo de tejer blanco
Hilo fucsia
Ganchillo número 0
Aguja punta Roma
Tijeras ✂️
Marcador de vueltas





K: knit
S: stitch
Mr: magic ring
Rep: repeat
R: row
Sc: single crochet
Inc: increase
Dc: decrease.

t: tejer
P: punto
Am: anillo mágico
Rep: repetir
V: vuelta
Pb: punto bajo
Aum: aumento
Dism: disminución.

Instructions for knitting the top hat.

Instrucciones para tejer el sombrero de copa.

It is knitted in a spiral with black yarn, changing to fuchsia only in the last row, between the top and the brim.

Se teje en espiral con hilo negro, cambiando al color fucsia solo en la última vuelta, entre la copa y la ala.

1st row: knit 6 sc inside a mr.
2nd row: knit the first stitch in the first chain and mark the next stitch. Knit 2 sc over each sc of the previous row = 12 sc.

1ra. V: tejer 6 pb dentro de un am.
2da. v: se teje el primer punto en la primera cadena y marcamos el siguiente punto. Tejer 2 pb sobre cada pb de la v anterior = 12 pb.


3rd row: knit 1 sc + 1 inc; repeat until you have 18 sc.

3ra. v: tejer 1 pb + 1 aum; repetir hasta tener 18 pb.


4th row: 2 sc, (mark the first one), 1 inc, repeat = 24 sts.
5th row, 3 sc, (mark the first one), 1 inc, repeat = 30 sts.

4ta v: 2 pb., (marcamos el primero), 1 aum, repetir = 24 p.
5ta. v, 3 pb., (marcamos el primero), 1 aum, repetir = 30 p.


6th row: 1 sc in each sc of the previous row, taking only the outer strand.
7th row: 1 sc in each sc, taking both strands.
8th row: 4 sc, 1 dec, repeat.
10th to 11th row: 1 sc in each sc of the previous row.
12th row: 1 sc in each sc of the previous row is worked in another color.

6ta v: t 1 pb en cada pb de la v anterior tomando solo la hebra de afuera.
7ma v: t 1 pb en cada pb tomando ambas hebras.
8va v: 4 pb, 1 dism, repetir.
10ma a 11va. v: t 1 pb sobre cada pb de la v anterior.
12va v: se teje en otro color 1 pb sobre cada pb de la v anterior.


13th st: start the brim of the hat by knitting 1 sc + 1 inc, taking only the front strand. Repeat.

13va v: se comienza el ala del sombrero tejiendo 1 pb + 1 aum, tomando solo la hebra del frente. Repetir.


14th row: knit taking both strands 2 sc + 1 inc, repeat, close with slip stitch and cut the thread.

14va v: tejer tomando ambas hebras 2 pb + 1 aum, repetir, cerrar con punto raso o deslizado y cortar el hilo.




Instructions for knitting the bunny
With white yarn
1st row: 6 sc over 1 st.
2nd row: 1 inc in each st of the previous row = 12 sc.

Instrucciones para tejer el conejo
Con hilo blanco
1ra v: t 6 pb sobre 1 am.
2da v: t 1 aum en cada p de la v anterior = 12 pb.


3rd row: t 1 sc + 1 inc 6 times = 18 sc.

3ra v: t 1 pb + 1 aum por 6 veces = 18 pb.



4th row: k 2 sc + 1 inc for 6 times = 24 sc 5th row: k 3 sc + 1 inc x 6 times = 30 sc 6th row: t 4 sc + 1 inc x 6 times = 36 sc from 7th to 11th. v: k 36 sc.

4ta v: t 2 pb + 1 aum por 6 veces = 24 pb
5ta v: t 3 pb + 1 aum x 6 veces = 30 pb
6ta. v: t 4 pb + 1 aum x 6 veces = 36 pb
7ma a 11va v: t 36 pb.



12th row: k 4 sc + 1 dec x 6 times = 30 sc
13th row: k 3 sc + 1 dec x 6 times = 24 sc
Embroider the eyes with black thread between rows 9 and 10, with a distance of 6 sc between them.

12va. v: t 4 pb + 1 dism x 6 veces = 30 pb
13va. v: t 3 pb + 1 dism x 6 veces = 24 pb
Bordar los ojos con hilo negro entre las vueltas 9 y 10, con una distancia de 6 pb entre ellos.


14th st: k 2 sc + 1 dec x 6 times = 18 sc
15th st: k 1 sc + 1 dec x 6 times = 12 sc

14va v: t 2 pb + 1 dism x 6 veces = 18 pb
15va v: t 1 pb + 1 dism x 6 veces = 12 pb


16th row: k 2 sc + 1 dec x 4 times = 9 sc
17th row: k 2 sc + 1 inc x 4 times = 12 sc
18th row: k 1 sc + 1 inc x 6 times = 18 sc
19th row: k 2 sc + 1 inc x 6 times = 24 sc
20th to 22nd row: k 24 sc
23rd row: k 2 sc + 1 dec x 6 times = 18 sc
24th row: k 1 sc + 1 dec x 6 times = 12 sc.
Fill the body.

16va v: t 2 pb + 1 dism x 4 veces = 9 pb
17va v: t 2 pb + 1 aum x 4 veces = 12 pb
18va v: t 1 pb + 1 aum x 6 veces = 18 pb
19va v: t 2 pb + 1 aum x 6 veces = 24 pb
20ma a 22da v: t 24 pb
23ra v: t 2 pb + 1 dism x 6 veces = 18 pb
24ta v: t 1 pb + 1 dism x 6 veces = 12 pb. Rellenamos el cuerpo.


25th row: k 6 dec, cut and sew hiding the thread.

25ta v: t 6 dism, cortar y coser escondiendo la hebra.

Back legs
1st row: 6 sc in 1 mr.
2nd row: 6 inc = 12 sc
3rd row: 2 sc + 1 inc x 6 times = 18 sc
4th and 5th row: 18 sc
6th row: 1 sc + 1 dec = 12 sc
7th and 8th row: 6 dec
Close by sewing each stitch with a blunt needle, just like the head.

Patas traseras
1ra v: t 6 pb en 1 am.
2da v: t 6 aum = 12 pb
3ra v: t 2 pb + 1 aum x 6 veces = 18 pb
4ta y 5ta v: t 18 pb
6ta v: t 1 pb + 1 dism = 12 pb
7ma y 8va v: t 6 dism
Cerrar cosiendo cada punto con aguja punta roma, al igual que la cabeza.


Front legs
1st row: t 4 sc in 1 st
2nd row: t 1 inc in each st of the previous row = 8 sc
3rd row: t 8 sc
4th row: t 2 sc + 1 dec x 2 times = 6 sc
5th row: t 6 sc, cut.

Patas delanteras
1ra v: t 4 pb en 1 am
2da v: t 1 aum en cada punto de la v anterior = 8 pb
3ra v: t 8 pb
4ta v: t 2 pb + 1 dism x 2 veces = 6 pb
5ta v: t 6 pb, cortar.

Stitches used

Puntos empleados

Single crochet

Punto bajo


Magic ring

Anillo mágico


Slip stitch

Punto raso


I hope you like my crochet magician hat and are encouraged to make it.

Espero que les guste mi sombrero de mago a crochet y se animen a realizarlo.

All photos were taken by me with my Samsung A 15 smartphone.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por mi con mi teléfono inteligente Samsung A 15.

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my blog.

Muchas gracias por detenerse y leer mi blog.

Gif made with / Gif hecho con Canva
Translated with / Traducido con: Google translator.


ohh que hermoso! realmente un excelente trabajo!

ohh how beautiful! really an excellent job!

Thank you very much @yasmarit!, I'm glad you liked it 🙂

Vaya! Creo que tuvimos ideas parecidas 🫣 te ha quedado muy hermoso el trabajo!

Exitos en el concurso!

Saludos 🙏

Hola @yessi08. Si, eso fue lo primero que vino a mi mente cuando pensaba como podía participar.
Tu sombrero mágico quedó bello, que tengas éxito también. Muchas gracias.

Oh yes, we love your crochet magician hat. It is really beautiful and we are somehow reminded that life is magical.

And yes, we've all seen the popular magic trick involving the disappearing rabbits. We loved watching those when we were kids.

Thanks for taking us down memory lane with your entry. Best of luck in the contest.

Thank you @diyhub, I'm so glad you liked it. I really enjoyed making it.

You have made it so well and explained it so well that I really hope you will win this contest. I wish you the best of luck.

Thank you very much @noorchaudhary.
Your words are very encouraging to me. 🙂🤗

Wow, to visit this post is to be in the presence of a truly talented knitter. Your work is admirable, congratulations. The hats have been a favorite choice of our participants, but to see it knitted is a very high level of tenderness for me hahaha. Great job my friend!...

I have to thank God, my family, this wonderful community and my grandmother for having taught me to knit 🙂

You did A remarkable work after reading your post I can realise that you did a lot of hard work and dry your best to put each details in the post and it is looking wonderful and the idea behind it is also amazing.

Thank you @mojiko-blog, I'm so glad you liked it 🙂

What a cute little bunny 🐇 that compliments the magical heart. I could feel you poured out your heart into this. It obvious in the results.

I wish you all the best with the contest.

Thank you @funshee! What lovely words. My best wishes to you too 😊

Thank you, Elentogether, for your lovely words. Have a beautiful day at your end.

Oh wow! This is so beautiful and I love the outcome a lot. Thanks for sharing with us. ☺️

Thank you @ene22, for such encouraging words 🙂.

This is a great tutorial, thank you for taking steps by steps to explain your work.
It's a unique one.
Thank you.

Thank you @praiselove for your nice words 🤗

Quedó muy hermoso amiga, felicidades! De verdad que muy creativa tu creación!

Gracias amiga 🤗

Ay, pero que hermoso! Me encantó