SPLINTERLANDS ART CONTEST 308 - Ujurak Mystic Wood Carved Necklace FANART [ENG-ESP]

in #hive-1895042 months ago



Hello friends, I hope you are very well, I am very grateful to this great Jewelry community, which has allowed me the great opportunity to share some of my creations, in the last Splinterlands contest, the necklace that I made carved in wood was selected in Secondly, this was possible due to the great opportunity as I said before, that I have received here, to be able to show my art and my skills. So for contest number 308 I want to show another necklace that I have made in carved wood, it is a skull that represents the character Ujurak Mystic, which I really liked its design, I hope you like it here step by step that I explain briefly.

Hola amigos, espeseor que se encuentren muy bien, agradezco mucho a esta gran comunidad de Jewelry, que me ha permitido la gran oportunidad de compartir algunas de mis creaciones, en el último concurso de Splinterlands, el collar que hice tallado en madera fue seleccionado en segundo lugar, esto fue posible a la gran oportunidad como he dicho anteriormente, que he recibido aquí, de poder mostrar mi arte y mis habilidades. Así que para el concurso número 308 quiero mostrar otro collar que he realizado en madera tallada, se trata de una calavera que representa al personaje Ujurak Mystic , el cual me ha gustado mucho su diseño, espero que les guste aquí el paso a paso que explico brevemente.






I used Mahogany wood, which is a reddish color, very beautiful and very soft to carve, it measures approximately 8 centimeters, which I then reduced to make the skull of a more appropriate size, I drew on top of it the silhouette that I will later carve little by little. little by little with the cutter.

Utilicé madera Caoba, que es un color rojizo, muy hermoso a parte de muy suave para tallar, mide aproximadamente 8 centímetros, que luego fui reduciendo para hacer la calavera de un tamaño más acorde, dibujé encima de ella la silueta que luego iré tallando poco a poco con el cutter.



I started carving the upper part, as you can see I have two knives with different size blades, a smaller one to make more difficult and small cuts.

Comencé tallando la parte superior, como pueden ver tengo dos navajas con las hojas de diferente tamaño, una más pequeña para hacer cortes más difíciles y pequeños



Next I begin to shape it by carving the horns in a circular way until they reach the tip. After there, as I told you, I use the smallest knife to start making that space that exists between the tips of the horns and the rest of the skull.

Seguidamente comienzo a darle forma a través de el tallado de los cuernos de forma circular hasta alcanzar la punta. Después de ahí, como les comenté utilizo la navaja más pequeña para comenzar a hacer ese espacio que existe entre las puntas de los cuernos y el resto de la calavera.



I make the next horn in the same way, although by a few millimeters one is always larger than the other, with sandpaper you can give it a better shape until both horns are the same. After cleaning the piece, I make some strokes on the skull to then give it a shape and leave a kind of 3D relief.

De la misma forma realizo el siguiente cuerno, aunque por algunos milímetros uno siempre queda más grande que el otro, con una lija se le puede dar una mejor forma hasta que ambos cuernos queden iguales. Luego de limpiar la pieza, realizo unos trazos en el cráneo para luego darle una forma y quede una especie de relieve en 3D.



After drawing all the parts I start sanding, and little by little the shapes I had in mind appear, especially the horns, which are very attractive, it is the part that I like to make the most of these small figures.

Luego de dibujar todas las partes comienzo a lijar, y poco a poco va apareciendo las formas que tenía en mente, especialmente los cuernos, los cuales son muy atractivos, es la parte que más me gusta hacer de estas pequeñas figuras.



As a last step, I start sanding with a very soft sandpaper to polish all the wood and then finish with a varnish bath and place the collar on it.

Como último paso comienzo a lijar con una lija muy suave para pulir toda la madera y después finalizar con un baño de barniz y colocarle el collar.








What did you think of the result? It had black paint and for a moment I was tempted to paint it, but then I forgot that idea and preferred to leave it like that with the natural color of the wood. Besides, after the varnish it turns into a deeper red color that I like better. This has been all for now, I hope you liked it, don't forget to comment your opinions. Good luck to all the participants this week. See you soon!

Qué les ha parecido el resultado? tenía pintura negra y por un momento sentí la tentación de pintarlo, pero luego olvidé esa idea y preferí dejarla así con el color natural de la madera. Además de que luego del barniz esta se torna de un color mas rojo profundo que me gusta más. Esto ha sido todo por ahora, espero que les haya gustado, no olviden comentar sus opinieondes. Suerte para todos los participantes de esta semana. Hasta pronto!


Beautiful craft work, is so lovely

I'm very glad you liked it.

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Beautiful carving,you did a great job. Thanks for sharing

Thanks for your support

The horn pendant is so natural and loving.

I always like to pay more attention to the horns, they seem very attractive to me.

What a nice wood carved necklace, you have a nice skill, I love the horn's pendant , welldone

Little by little I have been improving with this skill

your work is cool

Thank you bro!

You're welcome.

I loved this skull! It's really impressive how you manage to carve this shape out of a wooden cube! I am totally amazed! I congratulate you, and thank you for sharing. I agree that the wood color looked great, black would have been dulling the material, in my point of view! I send you a hug!

That's right, in the end most of these pieces are better left unpainted, since the natural color shows the work that is done on them. I'm very happy that you liked it.