Here is a super simple & quick Umamiful vegan mayonnaise recipe, with which I'm using for more than 10 years. I've been making the vegan mayonnaise for a long time, so I always mix the ingredients roughly with my intuition. I've decided to write down the recipe.
The secret of the taste is Miso to add Umami.
Here's the recipe for a simple and healthy vegan mayonnaise with five ingredients.
- Silk tofu: 100g
- Olive oil or other oil of your choice: 2-3 tablespoon
- Miso: 1 teaspoon (One or two drop of soy sauce for compromise. Add a bit more salt for this case)
- Lemon juice: 1 tablespoon
- A pinch salt
Blend all the ingredients with a blender until it gets smooth 😉 Done!
Transfer the vegan mayonnaise to a container and refrigerate. Chilling it in the refrigerator helps to enhance the flavors and texture.
Making your own
You can adjust the taste by adding more salt or lemon juice according to your preference. You can also experiment with additional ingredients like garlic or herbs for added flavor. You can use special salt such as Kala Namak. Kala Namak make it more like tartar sauce-ish.
How to use it
This mayonnaise can be used in various dishes. Just you have to be careful not to use it for sandwich you eat it later as the mayonnaise contains more water than those made with egg and oil. I use it for sandwiches, dressing for salad, sauce for bowl, or a dip for vegetables. Sometimes I serve it with Sushi for catering.
As it for vegan burger salad yesterday dinner 😉
Get creative and enjoy your homemade vegan mayonnaise 😊
ビーガンマヨというか豆腐ドレッシングな気もしますが、細かいところは気にしないことにしましょう w
- 絹ごし豆腐:100g
- オリーブオイル:大さじ2-3
- 味噌:小さじ1
- レモン汁:1大さじ
- 塩:少々
Kala Namakというゆで卵のような味のする塩があって、ビーガン必携アイテムなのですが、これを使うと、タルタルソースのような味わいになります。
お試しあれ・・・・・・でも一人のときはめんどうなのでブレンダーにかけもせず、絹ごし豆腐+ごま油+醤油のマヨもどきを野菜をのせたご飯にかけて、お皿の上で混ぜているのは内緒です 😁