Čekanje/akvarel 🎨 Waiting/Watercolor

in #hive-174301last month

Danas sam se igrala bojama i toliko sam se igrala da su boje izgledale kao vatromet iz koga se stvorila ljudska figura.
Ne verujete?

Today I played with colors and I played so much that the colors looked like fireworks from which a human figure was created.
You don't believe it?


Naravno, bez dobre skice nema dobre slike!

Of course, there is no good picture without a good sketch!


U početku boje se toliko razlivaju da uvek pomislite da je bezveze ili da ništa neće ispasti, ali upravo je u tome magija akvarela. Pripitomljavanje boja...

At first, the colors spill so much that you always think it's pointless or that nothing will come out, but that's exactly the magic of watercolors. Taming the colors...


Ovo na sredini što je iscurelo nije bilo u planu, ali sve možete neplanski da zadržite. Slučajni potezi su takodjer interesantni...

This in the middle that leaked was not planned, but you can keep everything unplanned. Random moves are also interesting...


Namerno nisam obojila srednji deo figure jer sam htela da istakne glavu i ruke...

I purposely did not paint the middle part of the figure because I wanted to highlight the head and arms...



Volim asketizam, jer nekada je manje više...

I love asceticism, because sometimes less is more...

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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