The Materials I need:
- Clean Coupon Bond/ Bond Paper
- Pencil
Steps to Make:
First, I Visualized or imagine some wonderful images comes to my mind that will suitable to the theme that I want to make. Because my theme is all about Broken relationship, I decided to think an image that is suitable to it. So this is the image. I draw it using a type 2 pencil.
After I draw, I carefully highlight the lines of the drawings so that it can easily sees.
After that, I carefully shaded the headed part of the of the man I draw represents the hair and also to the woman.
I also shaded the man's clothes shows the shadows of the lights to his crumpled clothes.
- After that, I carefully put a shaded lines on each side of the drawings to make it more highlighted. This will also serve as the background of the scenes. Make sure to shaded it slowly until it will surrounded the drawings.
- This is the output of my Masterpiece arts.
Arts Theme:
A man and a woman. The woman was leaving the man and the man suffers a sadness situations.