We Did It! 1000 Pieces Puzzle Completed

in #hive-1736303 years ago


One piece joined was progress.

Remember the gift my kids got for Christmas? They received two puzzle sets - a 3D Burj Khalifa puzzle which we completed in one seating, then the 1000-pieces which the kids ended up making me do.

I shared in that earlier blog how we started working on the sides first. Then it was the corners that progressed quite faster, the bottom particularly. For some reason, it took me a while to get going on the top part. Maybe because the canvas was a bit big (50cm x 70cm) and the bottom part was closer to me?


One piece joined is progress.

While I tried to squeeze in some time to work on the puzzle every day amidst all the things I needed to do. Of course, there were times that I was not able to. But then this thing taking up a lot of space in our little apartment was one of my motivations to finish it fast. The longer I keep this lying around, the higher the risk of losing pieces. I needed to complete this puzzle. Very soon.

Puzzle Completed.

My Little Man made me promise that I will let him put the last piece of the puzzle, to which I agreed.

The puzzle pieces really looked very similar and I can imagine it to be very hard for kids his age. Well, the age recommendation on the box was 14+ years anyway.

Frosted trees, castles, and wolves.

Looking back, there was really not a part of the puzzle that was not challenging. The trees at the upper part may seem easy but it took me a while to get them together. I just sorted them by the colors - where to put, left or right side, was another challenge.

Not to mention the castle. Excited as I was to put them together, it was not easy. The blank purple space around the castle was equally challenging too.

And don't get me started with the wolves... These were among the last parts that I completed.

Zero hour or four hours.

There were days that I did not touch it but on a not-so-busy day, I could work on it for 4++ hours straight. It became my me-time of sorts.


The kids volunteered to finish the puzzle towards the last 10 pieces. Lol.

What great timing. So they could say, "We finished it! Yey!". 🙄


12 Days!

It took us 12 days to complete the 1000-piece puzzle. As promised, the Little Man was the one who put the last piece...


What a feat! Looking back on the first day, I could not imagine ever putting this together. Another feat was not losing a single piece. Hoooraayyy! I was really afraid I'd lose a piece or two in the process.

Right now, still have to get it framed. I have not found the time to bring it to the framing shop. One of these days, I'll get that done.

Meanwhile, enjoy this GIF and see how we progressed...


I am so proud of myself. Haha.

I think we can take on another, but perhaps just a 500-pieces or something like that so the kids can help. But that's for another time.

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Awesome. My brain is bleeding looking at the pieces of the puzzle hehe. Galing!!!

One piece at a time, sistah! 😄

Great job! 12 days well spent 😍

That last piece must have been so satisfying 😊


Waaaaaw! Such a beautiful puzzle! I love puzzles! I have a 2000 peaces on going, hopefully I 'll finish it soon!:d