Lazy Days You Say ?

in #hive-1688693 days ago

Shadow of KrazzyTrukker says..:

Hey KT! Did ya have a nice relaxing fun filled weekend..?

Nope... Not Today


Not gonna happen anytime soon either. But thanks for asking Shadow of KrazzyTrukker.


There are just Too many "to do's" on the TDL.

I live vicariously thru lazy Sunday postings by my Hivonian brother from another @galenkp. A lazy Sunday post that really did not sound all that lazy to me. You can read his lazy post HERE if you like.

This is a day in the life of a way too bizzy @krazzyttukker

Quick breakdown of my not so fucken lazy and way to bizzy Saturday into a not lazy at all Sun Day.

Saturday started @ 4 am with a pot of coffee, oatmeal with peanut butter toast and then a gathering of my power tools. I sat a spell watching RAV news. Real Americas Voice is Not big pHarma funded propaganda for anyone looking for facts and not fact checkers.

Up on It

By 6 am I was setting up a work area and was up on it at the first light of daybreak. It... being the next door neighbors pole barn where the 4 hurricane storms in 14 months had torn the metal roof off several times. (fotos)

#1 is Me up on the metal pole barn roof.
#2 is damaged roof with my Pookyville Cat Ranch & Tree Farm in the background.
#3 is more damaged metal roofing with piles of wood on the background that I have cut and piled over the last year of cleanup.




@ 10 am we had to run to pick up more metal roofing, screws, and more 2x4's that we had previously ordered.

12 noon was a lunch break @ Wendys. Then back up on the roof till 3pm. A 3 hour power nap was then followed by an all nighter of krazzy Trukkin'.

I left just after 6 pm to run west on i-10 over to Pensacola FL.

I had driven the 300 miles over Saturday evening and was finished with my drop and hook just before midnight.

By 12:01 am Sunday I was on the return trip home from Pensacola FLA.


At 5 am I pulled into my yard. (Foto above) I crawled to my bed where I slept a short three hours. Then I went next door to help a different neighbor troubleshoot his vehicles charging system. Still reeling and feeling shitty from thee ass kicking of an 11 hour all night turnaround I went back to bed from 10 am till 2 pm. That is when I went back to work on the metal roofing till dark. (8 pm-ish)

Back to bed at 9 and up at 2 am this monday morning to truck it on over to where I sit and type this. In storm ravaged Orlando FLA with some much needed building supplies.


This has been a DAY #Weekend-Experience in the life of a one of a kind @krazzytrukker.

Not brought to you by any bullshit tyrannical sponsors like Pfizer, Moderna, The Keebler Elves

As always thanks for stopping by. Fotos, misspellings, intentional or otherwise, and weird opinions are all property of KrazzyTrukker. The one of a kind Hivonian.

Keep On KrazzyTruckin'

yes i built the catio coop that these two rescued kits are inside of 🙀😸😻




Yeah, that sounds kind of very opposite to the Sunday Galen wrote about this weekend. To be fair mine was productively but still pretty lazy, all in all pretty good.

That looks like a serious barn your neighbor got. So that catio coop is in his barn, not yours? He's a cat person, too? Must be cat-a-licious down there. Must make note to visit to get in my cat cuddles - it has been too long.

Welcome here anytime. Bring cat treats. 🙀

Sammi Jo Approves...

Good to see you got that roof fixed. The winds around here rip those panels off too sometimes.