My lady [bug] helper

in #hive-1688692 years ago

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I didn't expect to have a helper this weekend, although I should have considering I was up on my roof cleaning gutters. I wrote a little about my chores here a couple days ago and there's a link to an older post about the last time I was on my roof - I had a rapid climb fall down off it on that occasion and I promised I'd engage the assistance of a helper next time. True to form, I did not...Well, not in the form of a human anyway.

Earlier in the day I was checking out my vegetable garden to see how it was progressing. I'm starting to see some tomatoes now and it looks like I'll have a lot of them, but I need sunshine y'all! This dour, rainy weather we're having thanks for some Spanish woman called El Nina is pissing me off right now and I wish she'd fuck off. Anyway, if the sun comes out to play I think my tomatoes will be awesome this year. I have other things in though, and everything is looking good which I'm pleased about.

I was poking about, pulling some weeds and talking to the plants to encourage them a little and found this little friend there on a lettuce leaf.

After making sure this little lady, [could be a fellow, I don't know how to check], was not there to eat all my lettuce I got to talking and we seemed to get along well. I thought it would be cool to get my camera out and grab a picture and my intention was to take it on my finger - I thought it would be cool. After a few attempts I abandoned the finger-photo idea though, it was fucking hopeless, the little bug would keep still. So, back to the leaf she went.

We had a nice time chatting but eventually I had to move on to get the gutter cleaning done; I said as much and my little lady said she could help. I was dubious, but told her to explain how. She basically said, you go do the work, I'll stay here and watch. OK, so not so much help, but I figured at least I'll have someone around to call the ambulance should I fall off again.

I got my gutters cleaned, a job I hate doing because the odd positions I have to get into don't do my back any good, and I got the ladder and my other things packed up all within about three hours which I didn't think was too bad. I didn't fall off the roof either and that's always good. My day was young though, so I did some more gardening and a little repair on a gate that was sticking a little bit. I swept some leaves and looked into a little paving job I have on the horizon and mid-afternoon I was ready for a snooze.

After I was all done I went back to see my ladybug friend but she'd buggered off somewhere...So much for having someone to call the ambulance if I'd fallen off the roof huh?

Overall I didn't have a bad Saturday although along with the evening came back pain from all that gutter cleaning nutbaggery. It was ok though, I had pasta for dinner, and garlic bread and, as we all know, there's no ailment garlic bread can't cure.

I hope y'all have had a good weekend so far. Feel free to drop me a line in the comments below to let me know what you've been doing, or have planned for Sunday, and...if you've seen my ladybug around tell her thanks for watching my back, in a sarcastic way on my behalf ok?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

The image was taken by g-dog - That's me.

After I was all done I went back to see my ladybug friend but she'd buggered off somewhere...So much for having someone to call the ambulance if I'd fallen off the roof huh?

I'm sure she was on watch out 😂😂, her presence though kept you safe, you had it at the back of your mind that there was someone on the watch out and that's all that matters.

I could send the sun over right now but you have to promise to send the tomatoes over too 😂😂 (it is just us trading, that's all).

My weekend had me stuck in traffic and I still haven't gotten over the pain felt, I had to come off the bus and trek a million miles because that was how it looked😂😂😂. Well, I am home now so no hating anymore 🤣🤣.

I could send the sun over right now but you have to promise to send the tomatoes over too 😂😂 (it is just us trading, that's all).

The barter system, I like it. If only it was that easy, I'd be happy to exchange some tommys for the sunlight.

My weekend had me stuck in traffic

The old stuck in traffic weekend. My worst nightmare. It's good you're home now and I hope you find something nice to do.

The barter system, I like it. If only it was that easy, I'd be happy to exchange some tommys for the sunlight.

Oh, come on! Have some faith in my powers😂😂, geez I was going to bring back the trade and barter game on.🤣🤣.

A nightmare I lived and thankfully I passed without passing out or stoning at it 😂😂. Now have got to do laundry.

This is an amazing story, even when you needed a ray of sunshine on your tomatoes and you are still worried about that, boom you got a little friend on a lettuce leaf.

I think this little friend will change the situation you are passing through then and you even took the picture, life is all about happiness.

I sense happiness here, you generated happiness for yourself and that's the greatest mood in life. I hope the sun shines soon so that your tomatoes can come out fine and send some to me as well😄

This Sunday, I'm going to be at home all through, relaxing and having 😀😀little friend there on a lettuce leaf.

I reckon my tomatoes are well on the way to being bloody awesome this year; I'll do a post about it when the awesomeness happens.

I hope you have a good Sunday relaxing.

I can't wait to see your tomatoes ,I know they will be so beautiful

Cleaning gutters really is a sucky job. It's a shame your ladybug friend wasn't able to eat through all the organics up there. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Glad you didn't fall! Or climb-down-quickly-without-the-use-of-a-ladder. The sudden and abrupt stop at the bottom always sucks.

Climb down fast without a ladder! 🤣

There has to be a better way to clean gutters, but other than getting someone else to do it I don't know what it is.

Ladybug gutter cleaning services?

Am glad you didn't fall off this time. Could it be the ladybug protected you from falling?🤔. Maybe after the job was done she couldn't stick around for you to thank her cause she had another person to protect?

Well, I don't think I've noticed a lady buy around here for a very long time. Could it be the weather conditions are not favourable enough? Down here is mostly sunny so am not sure if I will see a ladybug sometime.

Maybe after the job was done she couldn't stick around for you to thank her cause she had another person to protect?

A ladybug's work is never done.

You had cool Saturday, with the ladybug as one of the audience, lol.

Our weekend is full of laziness, i want to blame the weather on this, lol. We are currently experiencing a Typhoon that is why no activity outside, until now.

Happy Weekend!

If there's a typhoon anywhere I'd rather it was there and not here. I don't mean that I want you to suffer, just that wind isn't my thing so I'd rather it happens elsewhere.

I hope you're well and can find something to do during the typhoon.

I like the last line. We don't know what tomorrow may bring, so we have to be humble. Not all the time things will be favored to us.
I'm afraid of lady bugs, sorry...hehe

Lady bugs are nice little things, harmless. Although, I know some people don't like creepy crawly things.

I hope you have a nice Sunday.

Yes, thanks.☺️

Come on man, don't be so selfish. I'm sure that ladybug waited for you for hours and then left thinking you forgot about her. She was probably busy, you're not the only one, are you?

Haha, nah I surely can't be the only one up on a roof this weekend. I guess she's kept busy on roof-watch.

Hello dear @galenkp. Could you help me about this matter?

The post has been downvoted and muted.

I'm glad you didn't fall. The lady is cute though.

I had a bad headache these past two days.

Headaches aren't much fun, I hope you feel better soon.


Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind.

That's the MANTRA
Officially a fan 😎

I fell in love with this post which, besides being curious, I find very tender and funny.
Your conversation with the plants reminds me of my mom who lives talking to the lemon trees so that they give more lemons!
And the ladybug, well, at least she was more faithful than many and stayed to take care of you.
My weekend was an online course at platzi and today I just posted my experience of Sunday's course, but I finished it and also concluded a daily content creation challenge, so it was a great weekend!

Hi there and thanks for your comment.

I'm glad you liked this post. It was supposed to be a little funny as a way to be more interesting ai guess, I'm glad you saw the humour in it.

I think you had a productive weekend and aim hope that course went well.

All the best for the week ahead.

Well, you know what they say about the ladybug and good luck. My weekend is going quite well, selling of some dead tokens and reorganizing my crypto portfolio. And yes, I made a meal.

Good luck is most welcome right about now, I've had my share of the other lately.

I cleaned up some files on my computer today also, not crypto, just photos and documents and it felt good to have a streamlined folder system again. I think you probably got the same feeling with your tokens?

Enjoy your weekend.

That lady bug lied to you! And by the way, I don't think the little fellow knows how to call the ambulance... that would be dope (if ever).

By the way, so you do like gardening as well. And the weather in your place is almost the same with ours. It's been raining heavily here for days now.

I have a number of succulent plants located outdoors and I haven't checked if they withstood the heavy rainfall for days. I hope we get to see the sun shining bright tomorrow.

I like gardening for sure, always have. There's something really calming about it, and rewarding when things grow.

We're about to have a reasonably damaging storm tonight, and some cold weather for a few days, I hope it improves and the sun shines for my tomatoes.

There realli is something calming about it. I've read before that seratonin coming from the soil is the one responsible for that, or I could be wrong.

I do hope we get to see the sun tomorrow.

Either way, gardening brings me closer to the planet and a place of comfort, enjoyment and happiness. It's a good thing.

... and talking to the plants to encourage them a little and found this little friend there on a lettuce leaf.

Talking to the plants we have is something very unusual, but most farmers do talk to their crops. Including pets. They believe that other creatures also have feelings and for us to have positive feelings towards nature.

I'm glad to hear you didn't experience anything, but you are really worried about it happening. Hopefully it won't.

The weekend is the time to get ready for the next week. What I did this weekend was fix new paint on the disabled pedestrian walkway in my office yard, and I made a new friend, a chameleon.
I had a conversation with him, who was curious about our new paint. If you want to check it out, it's here.

It's always a good weekend when one makes friends with a chameleon! I've never done it though, but I think it would be pretty awesome.

I'm glad you've had a productive weekend, all the best for the week ahead.

LoL 😂 and she's so ready for the shot
Look at her posing for the caption
I don't like cleaning gutter too but every other house chores hmmmm I love doing it

Because it looks like exercise to me and it makes me burn a lot of calories in my bother when I do it
My weekend is moving on smoothly and I hope yours too is good

Look at her posing for the caption

She's a bit of a camera hog to be honest. I'm told her Instagram account is covered with photos of her in a bikini!

LoL 😂 such a good company you've got there

I fell in love with this post which, besides being curious, I find very tender and funny.
Your conversation with the plants reminds me of my mom who lives talking to the lemon trees so that they give more lemons!
And the ladybug, well, at least she was more faithful than many and stayed to take care of you.
My weekend was an online course at platzi and today I just posted my experience of Sunday's course, but I finished it and also concluded a daily content creation challenge, so it was a great weekend!

Ladybugs are great friends, I love them. I'm glad she was there to keep an eye on you. The bonus is that even if she had yelled out "you missed a spot" you probably wouldn't have been able to hear her.

I need a ladybug as I found my one plant is covered from head to toe in aphids which I'll have to get rid of somehow. The bastards, I hate them. I'll get it fixed up though.

I'm glad you didn't fall off the roof and got it all sorted. Enjoy your tomatoes when they are ready, I'm sure your new buddy will also help to look after them.

This one must have been hyperactive as it wouldn't stay still on my hand. As soon as I put it on the lettuce, still. I got the shit though, although it's slightly out of focus.

I'm not sure if it would have been able to call the ambulance for me if I'd fallen, although I felt better in any case.

Anyway, she's on tomato guard duty and I reckon she'll do a good job. My tommys are going to be epic this year.

Well she certainly wouldn't have been able to break your fall.

I think she'll take her guard duty seriously and I'm looking forward to seeing the snaps of your new tomatoes. I have no doubt they will be epic.

I too hate cleaning gutters. The pitch of my roof is gentle, but the ground is just about as hard as anything. Haven't found out exactly how hard yet, and I plan to keep it that way.

I've always wanted to have an automated gutter cleaning system, which could double as sprinklers in the event of a bushfire or somesuch. Low Pressure, and High Pressure options, and have it installed at the gutter lip, along with some water pressure powered turbines that could chop up any bigger bits that happened to approach the downpipes.

Surely smarter men than me have made an attempt.

Haven't found out exactly how hard yet, and I plan to keep it that way.

Trust me, ground is hard and humans don't bounce very well.

That's a good idea actually, the gutter system. I was thinking about a system that opened up from the bottom. Everything falls out, a quick spray with a hose and latch them back up again. probably won't work though, none of my ideas come out so well.

I thought along the same lines, but it would be difficult to get a clean seal along such a long, linear piece of metal on metal, with things like hinges involved. I think given that dirt is what tends to make seals perish, it wouldn't work very well.

The gardener that looks after our strata just wanders around on the roof with a leaf blower into the gutters. Works decently well, but nothing better than getting up there and hand scraping the gunk out and living in mortal fear of falling.

I tend to prefer sitting on the roof and shimmying my way around on my butt, as I have poor accessibility over the pergola, and with the neighbouring property being close on one side of the house.

That and the ground isn't exactly level at all points for decent and good implementation and practice of ladder technique.

The gardener that looks after our strata just wanders around on the roof with a leaf blower into the gutters.

Exactly what I do, however I've had to scratch away at some of the gutters to loosen dirt, leaves and moss which sort of gets baked on. There's some ground-level clean up, but like you say, better than falling off. Been there done that, don't want to again.

Shimmy-butting is another way to go and I did some yesterday. It's not a good look despite sounding like the best thing ever...although I guess that depends on who exactly is shimmy-butting and other factors.

Ladder technique man, not something one wants to get wrong.

I've got my gutter cleaning jeans. They have a red teracotta stain on the butt. It's an awesome look :D Better than being covered in blood. one of them baboons with the red arse! That's gold.

I actually fucked up a pair of my FDX shorts yesterday in the same way, red terracotta dust. I hope it comes out, but I think in this case my hope will be in vain. I'll use them around the house, and when I want to channel my inner baboon-butt side.

I might have to invest in a battery blower to do the gutters. I've only got a corded one, which tends to do the job most of the time.

Wear them with pride in public. I don't give one care about what others think. :)

I have a Ryobi one and it does the job. It's good for the ground-level clean up also. Sometimes I dry my hair with it too. Works a treat.

Wear them with pride in public. I don't give one care about what others think.

Maybe there's a new fashion label in this...BabboonButt Clothing.